Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu contacted the police through the National Security Council demanding it increase enforcement against protesters who block trucks carrying aid to the Gaza Strip. The Prime Minister emphasized the diplomatic challenges facing him, including accusations by American officials that he "does not do enough on humanitarian matters," the letter published by Channel 12 stated. "Therefore, we must continue efforts to flood (Gaza with aid), including ensuring that the movement of trucks continues." The Washington Post reported on Sunday that the Biden Administration is considering imposing sanctions on Israelis who target trucks carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Israeli activists have been holding non-violent protests against the transfer of ai...
The US is mulling sanctions against Israeli protesters blocking humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, according to media reports. Over the past several months, the Israeli movement Tzav 9, or "Order 9," has been organizing to thwart convoys of humanitarian aid going though crossings into Gaza. Footage seen on social media and even show activists ripping off and destroying food packages. The movement refers to Tzav 8, or "Order 8," which is an emergency call for reservists to mobilize. According to spokesperson Rachel Touitou, zsav 9 “never called on people to take the law into their own hands,” as cited in a Washington Post report. Regardless, activists have been shown barring trucks and setting up their own checkpoints to ensure aid does not travel to Gaza. The move...
Palestinian Arab media is accusing Israel of a "massacre" at the temporary camp north of Rafah, after according to them eight missiles were launched at the site, causing 30 deaths and hundreds of injuries. A Telegram Channel affiliated with the Islamic Jihad terror group published calls for revenge against Israel for the "massacre" in Rafah. "The solution now is to be armed. The solution now is bloodshed. The solution now is to die for Allah," read one message. "The solution now is to answer the call to enlist by Abu Khaled (Mohamed Deif, the commander of the Hamas militant wing) on October 7th. The solution now is not a strike or a march. The solution is war." Another message stated: "You sons of al-Karmi, A'biyat, Ayash, Tawalbeh, Jaradat, Barghouti, al-Hunud, and Ayat (Fatah,...
Baltimore, MD - May 26, 2024  - Mrs. Lana Nissel, Lana Devora Bas Hadassah Leah, wife of R' Yosef Nissel is in great need of our Tefilos. Tehilim will be recited b'tzibur at KAYTT 6811 Park Heights Ave. and at Shomrei Mishmeres HaKodesh, 2821  on West Strathmore at 7:55 pm tonight. Men and women are urged to attend. We will also have in mind the other Cholim in the community and Achenu Bnai Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel and world-wide. Mincha will follow.
IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari on Sunday night spoke to the media about the continued fighting in Gaza, and the rocket fire on central Israel. A total of eight rockets were fired in the barrage, some of which were intercepted. One person was injured while running for shelter, and a home was hit by shrapnel. "As IDF forces near the site, Hamas empties its rockets," he explained. "They launched the rockets from between a mosque and a school." Hagari noted that the launch was carried out just 800 meters from the IDF forces stationed nearby. "We see this pattern of action in many places where we operate. The launch was carried out from between a mosque and a school; we attacked and destroyed the launcher a short time after the launch - and our forces continu...
Baltimore, MD – May 21, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Sol Victoria Amar de Benhamu, a"h, mother of Rina Walter.Mrs. Walter will be returning to Baltimore on Sunday and will begin sitting shiva through Tuesday morning at 3pm on Sunday at 3109 Hatton Road. No MinyanimShiva visiting hours: Sunday: 3:00 pm - 9:30 pm Monday: 9:30am  - 12:00 Noon2:00pm - 6:00  7:30pm -  9:30PM   Bila Hamaves LaNetzach...  
 Baltimore, MD - May 26, 2024  - Chabad’s Great Lag B'Omer Parade with Eli Marcus
A walkthrough of your local Dunkin’ Donuts store from a kashrus perspective with R’ Sholem Fishbane, Director of Kashrus for the Chicago Rabbinical Council and Executive Director of AKO.
Baltimore, MD - May 26, 2024  - Baltimore City Police Commissioner Richard Worley says the city is still recovering from the policies of former State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby. "In the past, we weren't able to enforce the laws, now we can enforce the laws and our cops will do it," said Worley on Wednesday. As State's Attorney, Mosby refused to prosecute many low-level crimes, announcing at a news conference in 2021, "Clearly the data suggests that there is no public safety value to prosecuting low-level crimes," said Mosby. The decision came five years after Mosby's failed prosecution of six city police officers for the death of Freddie Gray. "Police became a dirty word under Marilyn Mosby," said Attorney David Ellin, who represented one of those six cleared off...
Baltimore, MD - May 26, 2024  - An investigation into the former Pikesville High School athletic director is raising serious questions over why he was hired by Baltimore County Public Schools in the first place. Dazhon Darien was arrested in April and charged with theft, retaliating against a witness and stalking. He’s accused of trying to frame Pikesville Principal Eric Eiswert using a fake recording of racist and antisemitic comments that police say was created with artificial intelligence. On Thursday, Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dr. Myriam Rogers faced questions over the school system’s hiring practices, which have come under scrutiny following Darien’s arrest. As first reported by The Baltimore Banner, and independently confirmed by Project Balti...
 בֶּן הֵא הֵא אוֹמֵר, לְפוּם צַעֲרָא אגרא: (אבות ה:כג) The Conclusion Because Masechet Avot initially consisted of five perakim, the fifth perek’s last words are also the masechet’s (original) last words and are, therefore, especially important. Avot’s last words are a three-word statement from Ben Hei Hei: “L’fum tza’ara, agra — Reward is proportional to the pain (experienced in the process).”[1] This important point lies at the heart of avodat Hashem. At the Pesach Seder, the Rasha asks his father, “Mah ha’avodah ha’zot lachem — What does this work mean to you?”[2] The Yerushalmi has a slightly different version of the question, in which the Rasha expresses his...
Red Alert sirens were activated today (Sunday) for the first time in several months in cities in central Israel as a barrage of eight rockets were fired at Israel's coastal cities. This is the first time in four months that terrorists from Gaza launched a rocket attack at the central region. The sirens were activated in Kfar Saba, Herzliya, Hod Hasharon, and Ra'anana. Residents of Tel Aviv reported hearing explosions. The IDF stated, "Following the sirens that sounded in central Israel a short while ago, eight projectiles were identified crossing from the area of Rafah into Israeli territory. A number of the projectiles were intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array." The Hamas terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the barrage and said it launched rockets toward...
Machezikei Torah                                                                                                                                    &...
This Lag BaOmer, we invite you to be part of a movement that has impacted the lives of thousands of Jewish youth. From Yeshivas Ner Israel’s - Latin American Kiruv programs, Or Haner is raising funds to continue strengthening Jewish identity and offering unforgettable experiences.Or Haner, founded by R’ Moshe Filler Z”L, provides young Jews from Latin America the opportunity to grow and create friendships in a healthy and positive environment.Your Donation is Worth Double! Support today!Your contribution is essential. Visit and help keep R’ Moshe Filler Z”L's legacy alive.
Hamas claimed in an official statement on Saturday night that it was able to lure soldiers into a tunnel in the Gazan city of Jabalia, where terrorists killed them and kidnapped their bodies. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit clarified in a statement after midnight, “The IDF clarifies that there is no incident in which a soldier was abducted.” Earlier on Saturday, the IDF cleared for publication that a reserve soldier from Battalion 6828 of the Bislach Brigade (828) was seriously injured during a battle in northern Gaza. “The soldier was evacuated to a hospital for medical treatment, and his family has been notified,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said.
On Wednesday, I received a horribly anguished call from an acquaintance. She was angry with me, with us, with the Jewish community. She had seen the just-released horrific October 7 footage of several bloodied female soldiers in Nahal Oz in the hands of the monstrous Hamas terrorists. She was clearly broken by it and could not understand why the Jewish world was not doing everything to get them out, why we were not going to Congress with every rabbi, every shul, and every Jew and just saying, “This is crazy! This is inhuman! Get them out of there now!” She has a point.  We surely have been making efforts. Advocacy for the hostages has been constant since October 7, and that message, those posters, and a plethora of associated symbols have become ubiquitous. Hostage famil...
Jerusalem, Israel - May 25, 2024 - Hundreds are currently participating in the traditional Lag B'Omer bonfire at the Western Wall Plaza, in the presence of the rabbi of the Western Wall and holy sites, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, in honor of the holy Tanna Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
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