Rabbi David Chai Hacohen, dean of the Netivot Hatora yeshiva in Bat Yam and a neighborhood rabbi in the city, has instructed his students to omit "Tachanun" during Monday's morning and afternoon davening, following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash. Tachanun is a prayer of supplication, which is not said on festive days or days of thanksgiving. "The President was a very 'special' hater of israel, and he was the greatest of all the Iranians. And may it be G-d's will that the wolves in the forest where he fell will eat him. This is good news for the Jewish people. Even more than Haman - if we make a festive meal on the day he was killed - then even more so, we should not say Tachanun. It is mentioned in the Mishna Berura that o...
The Iranian Jewish community headed by its Chief Rabbi Yehuda Gerami, published in the name of the "Agudat Kiliman" (the community's nickname) a bereavement notice following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the country's Foreign Minister, and several others in a helicopter crash on Sunday. "We are filled with sadness and sobbing following the deaths of the holy ones of the Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi, the President of the nation and the servant of the Iranian people, together with other diplomats and officials of Islam, the Iranian Republic, and the Supreme Leader of the Revolution and all the people of his land," the announcement read. "Without a doubt, Iranian history will never forget the memory of the modest and tortured President." "The Kiliman community of I...
An official Israeli source has confirmed to Reuters that Israel was not involved in the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. Raisi and his Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, were killed Sunday when the helicopter carrying them crashed in northwest Iran. Other Iranian officials, along with the helicopter's crew, also died in the crash. Iranian authorities have said that all nine bodies were evacuated from the scene, and the Air Force chief said that some were burned so badly as to be unidentifiable. Lebanon has declared three days of mourning for Raisi. Meanwhile, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad responded to Raisi's death, affirming "Syria's solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran and with the families of the late deceased and his comrad...
The International Criminal Court's Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan is seeking arrest warrants for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on charges of "war crimes and crimes against humanity" over the October 7 attacks on Israel and the subsequent war in Gaza, he told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Monday. Khan also said the court is seeking warrants for Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as two other top Hamas leaders: leader of the Al Qassem Brigades Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’ political leader. Khan told CNN that the charges against Sinwar, Haniyeh, and al-Masri include “extermination, murder, taking of hostages, rape and sexual assault in detention.” He added: “The world was shocked on the 7th of Oc...
Tasnim news agency, associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC),  announced deaths of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi and foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Monday morning. They were killed on Sunday afternoon after the helicopter they were traveling in suffered a hard landing due to inclement weather, and apparently went up in flames. Intense search-and-rescue efforts, impeded by fog and rain, continued throughout the night to find the crash site in Iran's East Azerbaijan province, with diminishing hopes of finding signs of life. According to Iranian Red Crescent Society, all passengers of the flight died in the incident. Rescuers found "no signs" anybody survived the crash, the organization stated on national television. Aside from the Iranian...
Baltimore, MD – May 19, 2024 – Today, volunteers took time from their busy schedules and repaired matzeivos and trimmed trees at the German Hill Road Jewish Cemetery, in Dundalk. Participants included the organizer Steven Venick and Barry Dubin, Jeremy Diamond, Larry Franks, Chen Goodman and his son, Hillel, Pikesville Tree Service’s Levi Lowenstein, Levi, Ephy Rosenbloom, and Shalom Rosenbloom.
Jerusalem, Israel – Today, House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik delivered an address to members of the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem following an invitation from Speaker Amir Ohana highlighting how America stands with Israel and House Republicans’ fight to protect Jewish students on American college campuses.  Rep. Stefanik is the highest ranking member of the House of Representatives to visit Israel since the October 7th terrorist attacks. Read her full address below. “Thank you, Speaker Ohana, for your kind introduction and for inviting me here today. Mr. Speaker, MK Moshe Tur-Paz, MK Dan Illouz, distinguished guests, and dear friends: I am profoundly honored to speak in the hallowed halls of your Knesset, in your eternal capital, the holy c...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Sunday, 19 May 2024), at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, met with northern confrontation line local council heads, listened to their requests, and was presented with the existing gaps in the decision on a plan for the north. The Prime Minister instructed the directors general of the Prime Minister's Office and the Finance Ministry to meet with the local council heads in order to bridge the minor remaining gaps and present him tomorrow with an agreed-upon plan that will be submitted for Government approval during the week. Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked the local council heads for being steadfast. Prime Minister Netanyahu at the end of the discussion [translated from Hebrew]: "In the end, the revival and the momentum ...
Baltimore, MD – May 19, 2024 - 1:38PM - An accident at the intersection of Willow Glen and Fallstaff is causing traffic congestion. Please avoid the area.
On another occasion we have discussed some interesting perspectives on the meaning of the term sefiras ha’omer and the role it plays in connecting Pesach to Shavuos. I recently saw an intriguing perspective from Noam Jacobson, whose creative videos continue to entertain while providing deep insights on the parsha on a weekly basis. In our parsha, the name of the upcoming chag is not even mentioned. We are simply told (23:16) that it is after counting 50 days from the bringing of the korban omer. Even a date is not provided as Shavuos could technically fall on any one of three days before we had a set calendar. In this sense, Shavuos represents the holiday which is the dominion of man. We are in control of the date on which it falls. Conversely, he understands the word omer – ...
Life in the Corridor רַבִּי יַעֲקֹב אוֹמֵר, הָעוֹלָם הַזֶּה דּוֹמֶה לִפְרוֹזְדוֹר בִּפְנֵי הָעוֹלָם הַבָּא. הַתְקֵן עַצְמְךָ בַפְּרוֹזְדוֹר, כְּדֵי שֶׁתִּכָּנֵס לַטְּרַקְלִין: הוּא הָיָה אוֹמֵר, יָפָה שָׁעָה אַחַת בִּתְשׁוּבָה וּמַעֲשִׂים טוֹבִים בָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה, מִכָּל חַיֵּי הַעוֹלָם הַבָּא.                     וְיָפָה שָׁעָה אַחַת שֶׁל קוֹרַת רוּחַ בָּעוֹלָם הַבָּא, מִכָּל חַיֵּי הָעוֹלָם ה...
A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was involved in an accident on Sunday. Iranian State broadcaster Tasnim reported that the president was on board the helicopter when it was involved in an accident in the East Azerbaijan province in northwest Iran. Live updates: 6:05: An Iranian official has told iranina helicopter crashReuters that "the lives of Raisi and Amir-Abdollahian are at risk following the helicopter crash. We are still hopeful but information coming from the crash site is very concerning." 6:00 p.m.: Western sources say that they now estimate that President Raisi did not survive the crash. A US State Department spokesperson told CBS News that the US is "closely following reports of a possible hard landing of a helicopter in Iran carry...
A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was involved in an accident on Sunday. Iranian State broadcaster Tasnim reported that the president was on board the helicopter when it was involved in an accident in eastern Azerbaijan. According to Tasnim, Red Crescent rescue forces and military and police auxiliary forces had begun a massive operation to find the helicopter. According to the report, the convoy consisted of three helicopters, with the helicopter also carrying Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. Associated Press reported that communications with the pilots were lost. According to state media, individuals who were on the aircraft made contact after the incident, noting that the hope that the incident ended without loss of life has increased.
A terrorist tried to stab Border Police officers this morning (Sunday) at a checkpoint near the town of 'Abu-Dis' in the Judea and Samaria area. The terrorist arrived at the checkpoint, pulled out a knife, and tried to stab the officers operating there. The officers identified the terrorist, responded quickly, and shot him, neutralizing him. There were no casualties among the Israeli forces. On Thursday, a career IDF soldier was wounded in a stabbing attack at the Yitzhar Hagedola Junction, south of Shechem (Nablus). The victim arrived by vehicle to the Samaria Brigade, where he received medical treatment and was evacuated, conscious, to Beilinson Hospital. According to the victim, the terrorist attacked him as he was opening the window of his vehicle, and stabbed him.
At Saturday evening's international rally in Hostages Square, a recorded message from Former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was screened for attendees. In the message, Clinton said, "To all who are gathered, let me first express my deepest sympathy for the losses that have been suffered, and for those families who are still separated from their loved ones." "I know, having met family members of hostages, how deep the pain is, and I know that you will never stop advocating for the release of your loved ones, your family members, your friends, everyone who was kidnapped and is being held hostage. "These hostages represent so much more than just who they are. They are citizens of 17 countries, they practice five religions, they are our fellow men and women and yes ch...
The Toronto police hate crimes unit is investigating after a local synagogue was vandalized for the second time in four weeks, The Canadian Press reported. Rabbi Joe Kanofsky said windows and glass doors at the Kehillat Shaarei Torah Synagogue in the city’s north end were smashed in the early hours of Friday morning. Rabbi Kanofsky said the synagogue was a target of similar vandalism in late April, and no one was injured in either incident. He added that police responded quickly on Friday and collected surveillance video from the scene. Toronto police confirmed that officers responded to a call about property damage and said the hate crimes unit is investigating.
Abu Obaydah, spokesman for Hamas' Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, responded with disdain to the IDF's recent recovery of the bodies of four hostages held in a tunnel in Jabaliya. On Friday, the IDF announced the recovery of the bodies of Yitzhak Gelernter, Shani Louk, and Amit Buskila. On Saturday, the IDF announced the recovery of a fourth body, that of Ron Benjamin. In a message on Telegram, Abu Obaydah claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "prefers that his soldiers be killed while they are searching for remains and bodies, instead of choosing a prisoner swap which does not serve his own personal and political interests." nless it includes ending the war in Gaza and allowing Hamas to continue its rule of the area. The terror group al...
IDF troops continue precise operations against terrorist operatives and infrastructure in eastern Rafah. During one of the encounters with terrorists in the area, IDF troops identified and eliminated an operative armed with an RPG in a compound adjacent to the troops. Additionally, the troops conducted targeted raids on terror targets and located weapons, explosive devices, missiles, and RPGs. During an additional activity, the troops located and destroyed a launcher inside a military compound in the area. In coordination with IDF ground troops, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated a significant Islamic Jihad terrorist operative who was the Head of Logistics of the Rafah Brigade in the Islamic Jihad. He was responsible for preparing the terror organization for operations against IDF gr...
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