Baltimore, MD - Feb. 23, 2024 - HaRav Hagaon Yehoshua Cohn, affectionately known as “Shas Cohn” for his mastery of Shas, visited Yeshivas Toras Simcha yesterday afternoon. The Rav enthralled the rebbeim and talmidim with his vast knowledge of Shas. He quoted gemaras from all over Shas, even indicating the exact location within the gemara where the quotation can be found. Additionally, he delighted the students and staff with stories about gedolei Yisroel. Great emphasis was placed on the importance of chazara and the most effective methods for it.
V’Ata Titzaveh es Bnai Yisroel, V’Yikchu Elecha Shemen Zayis Zach Kasis La’Maor L’Haalos Ner Tamid   You shall command the Children of Israel and have them bring you clear olive oil, [made from olives that were] crushed for lighting, to keep the lamp burning constantly (Exodus 27:20-21).”  It has to be pure. Not just any oil can be used for the kindling of the Menorah. As Rashi explains, “it must be pure without dregs or sediment … only from the first oil which emerges from the olive.”  The deeper meaning seems obvious – we must strive for purity in our service of God. If we choose to kindle the fire of spirituality within ourselves, we must find the personalistic oil of purity. We must reach into ourselves a...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 23, 2024 -  BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Meir Rosenberg  & Henny Bobker on their engagement. Mazel tov to Avi and Judy Rosenberg  and Eli and Hadassa Bobker and Grandmother Mrs. Marion Gutman יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 11, 2023 - Composed by Chaim Schecter's grandfather - Luzer Meilich Gold, masterfully arranged by Jonathon Leshnoff and beautifully sung by Chazzan Yoni Rose, this century old Shoshanas Yaakov had until recently only been known to the Gold family. Luzer Meilich Gold was born  in Ropczyce, Poland around 1867. He was a shochet, a mohel and a composer. Only available to the family on various tape recordings, the descendants of Luzer Meilich Gold have decided to commit his music to paper and share it. This is the first of hopefully many of his compositions to be shared.
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 22, 2024 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Yaakov & Miriam Ribakow on the birth of a son. Mazel Tov to grandparents Larry & Esther Ribakow and Rabbi & Mrs Pinchas Jurkowitz  and great grandparents Mrs. Marcia Ribakow, Rabbi Chaim and Anita Preis Benoliel and Rabbi Beryl Weisbord. יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 22, 2024  - Rabbi Ari Bensoussan is a Talmud of Mir Jerusalem and Lakewood BMG and is a Musmach of The Jerusalem Rabbinate and Rav Yitzchock Berkowitz shlita. He has been teaching students from all over the world for over 15 years. He co-founded Yeshivat Ruach Chaim in Jerusalem and was a Senior Lecturer in the Derech program at Yeshiva Ohr Samayach in Jerusalem. Rabbi Ari enjoys a very close relationship with his many students and constantly reflects on his own learning during his years in the Jerusalem Kollel under Rabbi Yitzchok . Recently , Rabbi Bensoussan moved with his wife and 5 children to L.A. where he is heading a new branch of Chazak International, a community outreach initiative. Rabbi Bensoussan’s Shiurim can be found on, the T...
Baltimore, MD - Are you nervous about Kashering for Pesach; unsure you will get it done properly? Are you afraid the water will ruin your cabinets and create a mess in your kitchen? Are you moving into a new house and need the kitchen kashered; stress-free? Click here: the last six years, The Kashering Konnection, has been servicing the Baltimore and DC communities. Coordinated through Star-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Sholom Tendler, professional Mashgichim are available to come to your home and ensure an easy, mess-free and 100% properly-done Kashering of your kitchen and appliances. From ovens to stoves, counters to sinks, The Kashering Konnection can help you prepare for Pesach in an easy and affordable way.“We have received so many calls at our office over...
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 22, 2024  - OCA and Jewish Educational Services hosted a Shloshim program in memory of Cpt. Eyal Twito, HY"D, a platoon commander in the Paratroopers Brigade's 202nd Battalion, from Beit Gamliel. Eyal came to Baltimore as a Shinshin for the 2019-2020 school year, and built long lasting connections and friendships with OCA students, families, and members of the Baltimore Jewish community. Over 100 people attended last night's program. Eyal's host families, Dr. Julie Blumenfeld and Mrs. Chana Margalit both spoke about him, and a special video featuring Eyal's parents and time at OCA and in Baltimore was presented.  The OCA community also came together to learn in Eyal's memory and made a Siyum at the Shloshim event. At the end of the pr...
Tens of thousands of AT&T customers have been reporting outages this morning for their home phone, internet and mobile phone services, according to Downdetector. The outages started popping up just before 3:30 a.m. ET, according to a graph shown on the website that tracks outages.  Most users, 55%, say they are having issues with mobile phone service. More than a third of customers reporting being affected say they have no signal at all, and 8% of users say their mobile internet is down. "Should get a stimulus check for this," one man wrote on the website. "I lost my cell service at 5:56 a.m. est! I was in the middle of working when I lost it," another commented. AT&T did not immediately respond to a Fox Business inquiry regarding the outage, but the more...
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 22, 2024 - Click on the graphic below to read the current issue of Baltimore Jewish Home
 Large swathes of the U.S. were hit by a cellular outage early on Thursday, with thousands of users reporting disruptions with the services offered by telecom firms including AT&T (T.N), opens new tab. More than 32,000 outage incidents were reported with AT&T's service around 4:30 a.m. ET, according to data from outage tracking website Impacted cities included San Francisco, Houston and Chicago, the website showed. Users of Verizon (VZ.N), opens new tab, T-Mobile (TMUS.O), opens new tab and UScellular also reported issues with the telecom firms' services, according to Downdetector. The companies did not immediately respond to Reuters requests for comment on the reason behind the outages. A post on social media platform X from...
Hananyah, the son of media advisor Arik Ben-Shimon, was wounded in the shooting attack near Maaleh Adumim after killing one of the terrorists. Hananyah, 23, left reserve service in Gaza a week and a half ago. He was in a vehicle along with his mother when the attack began. He fired through the windshield, left his vehicle, and engaged and killed the terrorist at point-blank range. He was shot in his stomach and leg while doing so. His father wrote: “My son was wounded with a bullet through his stomach and leg. He is conscious. We just spoke. He is a hero, who identified the terrorist, shot from the window of his car, engaged the terrorist, and killed him." Minister of Settlements and National Missions Orit Strock commented: “Hero of Israel! I salute Hananyah, the ...
This morning on 7:29am many calls were received on MDA's 101 emergency call center about a terrorist who opened fire at vehicles on Route 1 from Jerusalem to Ma'ale Adumim, between Zaitim Junction and A-Zaim Checkpoint. A large amount of MDA personnel were immediately dispatched to the site, including First Responders from MDA's Medicycle unit, ambulances, and MICUs. MDA teams arriving on scene pronounced the death of a man in his 20s and provided medical care and evacuated to Sha'are Tzedek, Hadassa Ein Karem and Har HaTzofim Hospitals 11 casualties:A 23 year-old female in serious condition, conscious, suffering from gunshot wounds in her upper body.4 moderately wounded, fully conscious, including a 30-year-old female, suffering from gunshot wounds in her upper body, ...
Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 21, 2024 - After more than a decade of planning and four years of construction, with a multi-disciplinary team of archaeologists, architects, curators, researchers, designers, and creatives, the final phase of the $50 million renewal of the Tower of David Jerusalem Museum is complete with the opening of the new multi-level sunken Angelina Drahi Entrance Pavilion. For years, BJL has closely followed the progress of construction.  While a grand opening for the Jerusalem Museum was held in June 2023, and multiple events have been organized for families adversely affected by the war over the past few months, the opening of the newest addition to the public is planned for the first week in March.  The Tower o...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 21, 2024 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Aron Dovid Cohen on the birth of a son. יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
Since the beginning of the war, the IDF's Yahalom unit has been operating throughout the Gaza Strip, both above and below ground. The unit focuses on the tunnel network, which constitutes a central part of Hamas’ mode of operation, and includes significant and strategic centers of gravity of the organization. "The soldiers fought with professionalism in close-quarters combat, exposing and destroying tunnels and underground routes, and achieving significant results," The IDF Spokesperson's Unit stated. Recently, a number of strategic tunnels in Khan Yunis, used by senior Hamas officials were released for publication. Now, the IDF is revealing another tunnel route that served the senior officials and has been destroyed. Yahalom troops along with additional IDF forces o...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 2024 - Every Shabbos table offers every Jewish family an incredible opportunity by which they can share their joy for Shabbos, for Yiddishkeit and for HaShem with their children. Unfortunately, our schedules are hectic and many people don’t have the time to prepare themselves to utilize the Shabbos table to its fullest. Therefore, we at ACHIM created TableTalk as a pre-packaged talking points pamphlet which is attractive, fun and has something for everyone. Limited copies are distributed to many shuls on a weekly basis but they are snatched up very quickly. Get yours ASAP or click on the graphic below and print your own.What’s in it and what’s all the excitement about?TableTalk features:•    Weekly halachic dilemma creating l...
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