Vaccines that protect against severe illness, death and lingering long Covid symptoms from a coronavirus infection were linked to small increases in neurological, blood, and heart-related conditions in the largest global vaccine safety study to date. The rare events — identified early in the pandemic — included a higher risk of heart-related inflammation from mRNA shots made by Pfizer Inc., BioNTech SE, and Moderna Inc., and an increased risk of a type of blood clot in the brain after immunization with viral-vector vaccines such as the one developed by the University of Oxford and made by AstraZeneca Plc.  The viral-vector jabs were also tied to an increased risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological disorder in...
I recently drove on my own from Brooklyn to Monsey for a wedding. I wanted to listen to 10 minute mini-shiurim but because I was driving alone, I would not be able to manipulate my phone to switch from one shiur to the next. Thanks to the new TorahApp, I had no problem. This new app is an all-in-one Torah tool that automatically moves from one shiur to the next so you can binge listen to shiurim. While the app has many more features than this, binge listening was its origin. Josh Herzberg, a software engineer in Big Tech who helped build Sefaria’s first app while in college, realized while commuting that he could not binge listen to shiurim. Finding no readily available solution, he decided to build his own app to do that. Given his backgro...
Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 19, 2024  - This display is now in the National Library of Israel: For too long, an unthinkable number of men, women, and children have been kept away from their homes and loved ones. Every person is a world unto themselves. A book awaits each one of the hostages. Some books were selected by relatives, others chosen according to individual personal interests and hobbies; and still others selected based on the spirit, title, or content of the book. We await their safe return so that they may all continue to read and write the story of their lives. This story must have a happy ending.  
The IDF found in recent days a security video showing Shiri Bibas and her children Ariel (4) and Kfir (1) alive in captivity in Gaza in the early days of the war, Israeli media reported on Monday.  IDF Spokesman Rear-Admiral Daniel Hagari explained that on October 7, Shiri was kidnapped with her children by terrorists and brought to an outpost in Khan Yunis, where they were detained by a terror group by the name of Kataib Mujahadin. There, Shiri was forced by armed terrorists to wear a piece of cloth with Kfir probably attached in a sling under the cloth, with Ariel following her. The terrorists then forced her and her children into a vehicle and onto a different location.  The video is dated to October 7 and shows they reached Khan Yunis alive, Hagari said. "From t...
Avner Yarkoni, who served as a fighter pilot in the past and as head of the Civil Aviation Authority, spoke to Maariv following the announcement by El Al about the attempt to take over the communication network of one of its planes while flying over Somalia on its way from Phuket in Thailand to Ben-Gurion Airport Saturday night. Is there a tangible danger to the planes, given the current war situation?  "It was a communication interference by someone who was in contact with the plane. I don't know exactly what was said and how," but the controller's "manner of speaking apparently raised suspicion among the pilots," he said. "It should be remembered that from the plane's communication, it does not go anywhere. That is, the commu...
Israeli forces found boxes of medicine belonging to hostages kidnapped by Hamas as well as Hamas terrorists posing as medical staff in the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis in southern Gaza, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said Sunday. Hundreds of terrorists and suspected terrorists have been arrested from inside the hospital, including terrorists who took part in the October 7 massacre. Inside the hospital, Israeli forces found many weapons, including some hidden in a vehicle used by Hamas terrorists to conduct the massacre. Additionally, a vehicle stolen from Kibbutz Nir Oz was found in the hospital area. Boxes of medicine with the names of Israeli hostages on them were found in the hospital. The packages were closed and had not been transferred to the hostages, in violation of...
Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz (Likud) on Monday morning called the Brazilian Ambassador Federico Mayer for a reprimand after Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva compared Israel to the Nazis. The reprimand took place at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial museum in Jerusalem. During the meeting, Katz showed Mayer the list of names of Jews murdered in the Holocaust, including members of his own family. "I called you to the place which more than anywhere else testifies to everything the Nazis and Hitler did to the Jews, among them my family members," Katz said. "The comparison between the just war that Israel is fighting against Hamas and the horrors perpetrated by Hitler and the Nazis is an embarrassment and disgrace and a serious antisemitic attack." Katz also said that d...
Malcolm Hoenlein, the Vice Chairman Emeritus of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, in an expansive interview, told Arutz Sheva-Israel National News about Qatar's role in spreading hatred of the Jewish state. "I believe we have to be very direct with Qatar. Although the United States says 'Look they're playing a key role in the hostage negotiations' and other issues, but at the same time they sponsor Al Jazeera, which is spreading almost Nazi-like images of Israel and hostility toward Israel on a daily basis. It's a constant diet that feeds the street throughout the Arab world that watch it," says Hoenlein. He adds: "They also are responsible for funding anti-Israel activities on campus in America. We traced so far $13 b...
IDF forces found technological equipment made in Iran and China in the Hamas facility under the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East headquarters in Gaza. Kan reports that approximately a week ago the building was raided by Israeli forces, who found several servers which are being analyzed for intelligence by the IDF and ISA. Approximately a week ago the IDF claimed that it had found numerous drives and servers belonging to Hamas under the UNRWA building, as well as displaying the connection between the two. The more recent find extends the connection directly to Iran. Israeli forces destroyed a server farm and other technological equipment, including multiple databases, and killed 120 terrorists during the operation. The soldiers raiding ...
Major S., the IDF officer who eliminated the terrorist who committed the shooting attack at Re’em Junction on Friday recounted to Kan Reshet Bet radio that he was on his way back from shopping for Shabbat with his 15-year-old son when he heard gunfire. “I realized it must be a terrorist attack. I told my son that there was an attack underway and that he should call the police,” he recounted. Major S. continued: “I spotted a person that I suspected to be the terrorist but did not fire. I put on my identification cap (a style of cap with high visibility print identifying the wearer as an emergency responder, ubiquitous throughout Israeli emergency services), put him in my sights, and waited. When I saw him aiming his weapon, I understood that it ...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 19, 2024 - (FOX45) Gas prices in Baltimore have surged by 14.7 cents per gallon in the past week, reaching an average of $3.38/gallon, according to GasBuddy's latest survey. This represents a significant increase of 29.1 cents per gallon compared to a month ago and 13.2 cents per gallon compared to last year.  The cheapest gas station in Baltimore was priced at $3.11/gallon, while the most expensive was $3.97/gallon. Across the state, prices ranged from $3.05/gallon to $4.49/gallon. Nationally, the average gasoline price has increased by 8.7 cents per gallon in the last week, reaching $3.26/gallon today. Compared to a month ago, the national average has risen by 16.7 cents per gallon, although it remains 11.6 cents per gallon lower than the same period ...
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 18, 2024 - 9:54PM - Within the last 30 minutes, individuals in the depicted vehicle were observed stealing packages from homes in the Bonnie area. If spotted, please immediately contact 911 and Shomrim at 410-358-9999.
Baltimore’s Mora Tziri Does it Again!  Here are scenes from tonight’s  Inkredible Kids Concert – Tehilim Army Unmuted But first watch: The Story of Inkredible Kids and the Tehillim Army (Video by Avi Dear Visuals)
Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 18, 2024  - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sunday night, February 18, 2024, spoke at the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem, Israel, addressing the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.  Following are excerpts from his remarks: "I've been seeing you here year after year, but this year it's different. Each year you come here to express your solidarity with the State of Israel, solidarity of the Diaspora with the Jewish state, but this year, that solidarity is particularly important, because it's an expression of unity between the Jewish people and the Jewish state, between so many of our friends around the world and the great trial that we are faced with today." Regarding the effort to free the hostages, Prime...
Inkredible Kids Concert – Tehilim Army UnmutedLive-streaming today at 5:30 to YOUR home! $36 per family, per household!
Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 18, 2024  - The opening dinner event for the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Leadership Mission was held at the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem, Jerusalem on Sunday night February 18, 2024. The Conference is held annually during the US President's Week with the US leaders gathering in Jerusalem, Israel.  Ambassador Jack Lew’s Full Remarks to the Conference of President's Israel Mission Delegates follows: "Good evening, Erev tov to everyone.  Harriet Schleifer, Chair of the Conference of Presidents, William Daroff, Executive Director, Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman Emeritus, it is an honor to address this distinguished group of leaders representing a broad spectrum of major American Jewish ...
The United States said it would veto another draft U.N. resolution calling for a cease-fire. The U.S., Israel's top ally, said it instead hopes to broker a cease-fire and hostage-release agreement between Israel and Hamas, and envisions a wider resolution on the war sparked by the terrorist group's Oct. 7 attack. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called Hamas' demands "delusional." Netanyahu also opposes Palestinian statehood, which the U.S. calls a key element in a broader vision for the normalization of relations between Israel and regional heavyweight Saudi Arabia. His Cabinet adopted a declaration Sunday saying Israel "categorically rejects international edicts on a permanent arrangement with the Palestinians" and opposes any unilateral recognitio...
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