Baltimore, MD – Sept. 11, 2023 - It is with deep regret and sorrow that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mrs. Debra "Debby" Neuman, a’h, wife of Richard Neuman and mother of Akiva Neuman, Rina Neuman, Esther Neuman, Shmuel (Miriam Esther) Neuman and Yardena Neuman. The Levaya will take place tomorrow at 9:30AM at Levinson's.Kevurah at Shomrei Emunah Cemetery 3979 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21227Shiva will be observed at 6604 Linco, Baltimore, MD , 21209. Shacharis: 7:00 AMMincha/Maariv: 7:10PMMincha Erev Shabbos/Erev Yom Tov: 3:00PM
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 12, 2023 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Rabbi Yehoshua Cheifetz, z’l, father of Ahron (Shevi) Cheifetz and Elana (Simcha) Felder.Shiva is being observed at 6515 Baythorne, Baltimore, MD, 21209 through 4PM Friday.The only minyan will be Mincha/Maariv on Thursday @ 7:00PMVisiting on Thursday until 10PM Aaron can be reached on 667-305-0257. Bila Hamaves LaNetzach...  
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 14, 2023 - STAR-K Presents Kashrus Kurrents Fall 5784-2023 Click on the graphics below for a complete printable copy.
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 14, 2023  - The STAR-K Yoshon Quick Reference Guide is now available. Please click on the image below for a larger printable copy. Further updates will be issued as we receive more information. 
Jerusalem, Israel - Sept. 14, 2023  - The world learned during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic about working from home. Time saved on commuting could or would be lost with distractions and disruptions around the house, from the laundry to dirty dishes piling up in the sink. Children home from school compounded the situation. Now with the Yomim Tovim, balancing the time for meal preparation and more is a challenge, especially for women in the workforce.  In Yerushalayim, since January, OfficeOurs has been a special coworking space for Chareidi working mothers. It offers more features than being available 24/7 (really 24/6). It has taken all these months to accept an invitation to visit the site and photograph the space be...
Prosecutors in Delaware brought three gun-related charges against Hunter Biden Thursday, indicting the president’s son after special counsel David Weiss said he would pursue charges following the evaporation of a plea deal.READ: Hunter Biden indictment  The court filings detail charges Hunter Biden would have entered a diversion program for under the failed plea agreement, charging him both with failing to disclose drug use when seeking to buy a weapon, resulting in two separate charges, as well as for unlawful possession of a firearm while addicted to a controlled substance.  The indictment does not list any tax crimes — a matter that also would have been covered by the prior plea agreement that had Biden plead guilty on two charges of...
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 14, 2023: Dear Valued Customers,We've had a setback due to flooding at The Knish Shop. While we work on reopening our shop, we're excited to serve you from Catering by Yaffa at 4311 Old Milford Mill Road. What to know:- Same great knishes, same quality.- Operating hours remain unchanged.- Order online or call 410.484.5851 Ext.1- We'll be back at our original location soon. Thank you for your support. Warm regards,Mosi TreuhaftOwner, The Knish Shop
As the United Auto Workers union is poised to go on a targeted strike against Detroit’s three biggest automakers at midnight Friday morning, Biden administration officials are preparing economic measures to protect suppliers to the auto industry from long-term damage, according to three people aware of internal conversations. While the administration is not expected to intervene in a strike, Biden aides are worried that a protracted walkout could wipe out the thousands of suppliers that depend on the auto business from the three key automakers, Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private deliberations. Widespread failure of these smaller supplier firms — which number as many as 5,600 — could impede the...
French regulators ordered Apple to stop selling the iPhone 12, saying it emits electromagnetic radiation levels that are above European Union standards for exposure. The company disputed the findings and said the device complies with regulations. The French government agency that manages wireless communications frequencies issued the order after the iPhone 12 recently failed one of two types of tests for electromagnetic waves capable of being absorbed by the body. It’s unclear why the phone, which was released in late 2020, didn’t pass the agency’s latest round of tests and why it was only that particular model. France’s digital minister said the iPhone 12’s radiation levels are still much lower than levels that scientific studies consider could h...
“I’m not going to toss someone to the wolves and cancel them,” the presidential candidate said. Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is defending the co-chair of his campaign in New Hampshire, who posted that “Israel is an apartheid state.” “This is such a dumb game the media and shallow career politicians play,” Ramaswamy, a technology entrepreneur, wrote. “Guess what? I have volunteers on my campaign whom I don’t agree with on everything. Bruce Fenton is right on fed policy, bitcoin, individual liberty and dismantling the administrative state. Turns out he’s dead wrong on calling Israel an ‘apartheid state.’ “It’s a wildly wrong thing to say about the only pluralistic, thr...
For the first time ever, an armed guard will be stationed outside each synagogue in Jerusalem, as part of preparations for the upcoming High Holy Days and amid concerns over the recent rise in terrorist attacks. Israeli media reports tally 19 attacks in Jerusalem since the beginning of the year, with 31 other incidents successfully thwarted. Just before the holidays, police announced on Wednesday that they have completed preparations in the capital for the upcoming major events. Thousands of police officers will be deployed at crowded locations and holy sites. According to Jerusalem District Police Commander Doron Turgeman, for the first time, armed personnel will be stationed at predetermined locations in every synagogue in the city, following thorough briefings. Israeli syna...
Saudi Arabia has let the Biden administration know that resolving Palestinian issues is critical for any normalization deal with Israel, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday. “It is also clear from what we hear from the Saudis that if this process is to move forward the Palestinian piece is going to be very important too,” he said in an interview with the podcast “Pod Save the World.” He spoke as the Biden administration has been increasingly public about its pursuit of a security pact with Saudi Arabia that would include a normalization deal with Israel. It’s expected that Israel would have to make concessions to the Palestinians as part of the deal. Such a deal would come on top of the US-backed 2020 Abraham Accords, in which I...
It has been cleared for publication that in July, the Customs Authority in Ashdod inspected two 54-ton containers that were said to be carrying plaster and were en route from Turkey to the Gaza Strip. During the inspection, the customs inspectors began to suspect that some of the materials in the containers were not plaster. The materials were taken to a lab inspection, which corroborated the suspicion that the material was ammonium chloride weighing 16 tons, which was being hidden between the sacks of plaster. Ammonium chloride is a dual-use substance known to be used by terror organizations in Gaza to manufacture rockets that are launched into Israel.
Since Sunday morning United Hatzalah’s disaster relief mission has been operating in Morocco. The team’s first goal was to assess the needs of the Moroccan people and coordinate efforts with the Moroccan government and community leaders so as to determine how best to assist in the wake of the earthquake last Friday. After assessing where the organization’s efforts could be best utilized, the decision was made to open medical clinics in villages in the Atlas Mountains that have not yet been able to receive medical care or humanitarian aid.    “Our mission thus far has been a success, thanks to the coordination we had with the authorities here in Morocco,” explained Deputy Director of Emergency Operations Linor Attias. “As a result of that c...
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 13, 2023 - Tonight in Baltimore, the OU convened a panel discussion to explore the experiences of single individuals in the Orthodox Jewish community, drawing upon findings from their recent study. The panel featured prominent figures including Rabbi Moshe Hauer, the Executive Vice President of the OU; Rabbi Shmuel Silber, the Rav of Suburban Orthodox; Tzipora Grodko, a singles advocate and LMSW; and Channah Cohen, the co-author of the OU research report titled 'The Challenges of Singlehood Among American Jews'. These experts shared insights on how the community can enhance support for its single members. The discussion, which shed light on the crucial topic, urged the community to take collective responsibility in fostering a more inclusive and empath...
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 13, 2023 - Shomrim received several calls about individuals attempting to break into vehicles at the Cross Country Apartments. Shomrim units responded quickly and found three suspects trying to steal a Hyundai vehicle. The suspects fled on foot toward Reisterstown Road. Shomrim, along with Baltimore City Foxtrot and patrol officers, are currently searching for the suspects.
U.S. Attorney Erek Barron is set to mark two years in office next month. From his first day in office, he says he has tried to think outside the box when it comes to crime. “I’m committed to, you know, not just [d]oing the same thing and expecting a different result," said Barron. In 2022, Barron announced a crime fighting strategy, he compared to one of the most infamous mobsters. “This Al Capone model of prosecution is designed to take violent people of the streets by any appropriate legal means necessary," said Barron. Barron says the fruits of his labor are paying off. “As of today homicides in the city are down ," said Barron. Barron acknowledges him crime fight, can't be done alone. “It takes a lot of communication day after day. And that&rs...
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