The two German tourists dodged their vehicle and fled on foot Two German tourists driving through the West Bank on Saturday in a vehicle embossed with a logo featuring the Israeli flag narrowly escaped a violent mob attack. The incident unfolded in the city of Nablus, the site of several recent anti-terrorism raids by Israel Defense Forces.   The two drove a vehicle rented from a Tel Aviv car-sharing service, imprinted with the Tel Aviv municipal logo, which features the blue-and-white flag of the Jewish state. Stopping in traffic, the vehicle was spotted by a group of Palestinians who started kicking it, hurling rocks and prizing its doors open.   A short video of the incident taken by an eyewitness and posted to Telegram shows the vehicle maneuvering to escape, ...
In the beginning of this week's parsha, the sum total of all the metals used for the mishkan is given. Ibn Ezra (38:24) and many other commentaries point out that the total of the gold is given without telling us what the gold was used for. But when the totals of the silver and copper are given, we are told exactly what they are used for. A number of answers are offered. Ramban answers that the silver and copper were used for parts made completely of silver and copper so their exact weights could be measured out in order to count how much was used. The gold, however, was often used to coat different utensils such as the mizbei'ach or the aron and thus it was not possible to weigh out the amount of gold used for each utensil. Netziv, in Ha&rsqu...
Baltimore, MD - Mar. 17, 2023 - Mildred Kramer Shapiro turns 99 years old on March 18. She was born in Winchester, Virginia, and is a member of the Suburban Orthodox Congregation. Mildred married Dr. Solomon (“Sol”) Shapiro and had four children. They moved to Upper Park Heights and joined the Suburban Orthodox Congregation in 1962. After Sol passed away, Mildred married William (“Bill”) Bashevkin and became a “snow bird,” living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida during winters. Mildred has numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren, many of whom will visit her on her 99th birthday.
Baltimore, MD – Mar. 17, 2023 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Abraham Louis Adler, z"l, husband of Faye Adler and father of, Debra Adler (James) Buslik, Linda Adler (Steven) Hurwitz and Arthur (Rachel) Adler; and brother of Judith Adler (Irvin, z'l) Hyatt Shiva will be observed at 9 Hambleton Court, Baltimore, MD 21208. Shiva times will be Sunday through Wednesday. Shiva and minyan times: Sunday: 9:00am and 7:00pm Monday-Wednesday: 7:30am and 7pm Thursday: 7:30am Please do not visit between 11am - 1pm, or from 4:30pm - 6:30pm Bila HaMaves LaNetzach.
Baltimore, MD - Mar. 17, 2023 - Seven Mile Market will be open on Motzaei Shabbos, March 25th and April 1st, from 9 pm to 11:30 pm for your Pesach shopping convenience.
The Manhattan District Attorney's office has requested a meeting with law enforcement to discuss logistics ahead of a possible indictment of former President Donald Trump next week, according to FOX News. The meeting has not been set yet, and the district attorney's office declined to comment when contacted by Fox News.
Baltimore, MD - Mar. 17, 2023 - Click on the image below to flip through this issue     Click here for a pdf of this issue Click here for more Star-K news
YouTube has restored former President Trump's channel, more than two years after he was suspended from the platform indefinitely following the events of Jan. 6, 2021. "Starting today, The Donald J. Trump channel is no longer restricted and the ability to upload new content is restored," Leslie Miller, YouTube's vice president of public policy, said in a statement shared with Fox News Digital. "We carefully evaluated the continued risk of real-world violence, balancing that with the importance of preserving the opportunity for voters to hear equally from major national candidates in the run up to an election. This channel will continue to be subject to our policies, just like any other channel on YouTube." While YouTube's statement di...
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin, citing his alleged involvement in the abduction of Ukrainian children. A warrant was also issued Friday for Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, after the ICC declared there are "reasonable grounds to believe that each suspect bears responsibility for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population and that of unlawful transfer of population from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, in prejudice of Ukrainian children." The U.S. is not a member of the ICC and neither assists nor acknowledges the authority of the judicial body. The ICC wrote t...
Judaism is the most favorably viewed religion in the United States, according to a Pew Research Center study, despite a rise in antisemitic incidents across the country. Jews scored a net +28 rating in the analysis released Wednesday. The study also found that Americans generally view Roman Catholics and mainline Protestants favorably but tend to view Muslims, atheists and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as Mormons, negatively. Nonevangelicals tend to view evangelical Christians more negatively than positively, the study showed, although evangelicals eked out a 2% net favorable rating when the opinions of “born-again” and evangelical poll responders were factored in. Without those believers and without mainline Protestants, the evang...
I was recently walking by an area that was under construction and I noticed a yellow and black caution sign nearby the work zone, which read as follows: Please excuse our appearance while we’re under construction.  I immediately took a picture of the sign, so I wouldn’t forget about it, knowing with full certainty that I was going to passionately write about this terribly ugly signage. Now, the sign itself wasn’t ugly per se, rather, the message it portrayed is what was ugly and should be frowned up.  To say it bluntly, I couldn’t disagree more with the verbiage of this sign. When something is under construction, that is not a reason to feel the need to announce to the public an apology to “please excuse our appearance.” When it comes to life...
According to a recent Gallup poll, 49% of Democrats sympathize more with Palestinian Arabs than with Israelis for the first time since 2001, although a majority of Democrats still have a favorable view of Israel, reports Arutz-7. Meanwhile, 78% of Republicans sympathize more with Israelis, with independents at 49%. The poll also found that Israel's positive margin has progressively declined in recent years, and sympathy for Palestinians tends to be higher among younger voters. Respondents who have a favorable view of Israel totalled 68%, with 82% for Republicans and 56% for Democrats.
Let’s listen in to Rabbi Pinchas Juravel of Kof-K Kosher, as he explains some of the key facts behind kasher l’pesach coffee and to tea to Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger.
Baltimore, MD - Mar. 17, 2023 - The claim to fame of the Jewish people is so much more than just our ability to make "good chicken sandwiches." We were given the secret recipe to be able to live a life of great purpose, meaning, and vitality. Tune in to this week's episode of The Torah Sparks Podcast to find out more about this secret and to hear a play on words on a play on words for "When Adar enters, we increase in joy." Click here to listen
Baltimore, MD – Mar. 17, 2023 – 8:39AM - Use caution at the intersection of Park Heights and Old Court due to an open manhole cover.
After a full accounting of all the donations that were given and of the various materials and vessels that were constructed, was concluded, the Torah describes the details for the actual setup of the Mishkan. Targum Yonoson reveals how each of the vessels correspond to four divisions of our people. The wealthy who are provided with the means to distribute their bounty to others are symbolized in the Table upon which the Showbread were placed, twelve specifically, alluding to the twelve tribes. The Elevation-offering Altar symbolizes the offerings they distribute to the poor. The Menorah reflects on the righteous who illuminate the world with their protective merit. The Gold Altar, whose incense gives off an exquisite scent, reminiscent of the Torah scholars' wisdom that enthuses o...
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