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Baltimore, MD - July 18, 2024  - Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) recently sat down with the committee behind the Baltimore Tuition Affordability Initiative (BTAI) to gain a deeper understanding of this new initiative. Our goal was to address the many questions our community members might have regarding this important project. Here’s an insightful Q&A session that provides comprehensive details about the initiative’s objectives, the motivation behind it, and its plans to support the education of our (BJL): Tell us about our community’s newest Torah initiative. What was the impetus for this initiative? Baltimore Tuition Affordability Initiative: We accept chinuch of our precious children as the fundamental responsibility of our commu...
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Baltimore, MD - July 18, 2024 - The Sylvia Rosenblatt Hebrew UnSchool at Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah is dedicated to fostering spiritual growth and a love of Judaism in children of all ages and from all backgrounds. Please reach out to discuss if we can help contribute to your child’s Jewish education. The early bird special lasts until the end of this week. Come on over and find out what all the excitement is about. Click on the graphic below for more information.
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Baltimore, MD – July 13, 2024  - It is with regret that we inform the community of the petira of Mr. William Wealcatch, z’l, husband of Mrs. Noemie Wealcatch, father of Rabbi Shaul (Michelle) Wealcatch, Rabbi Yitzchok (Tirza) Wealcatch, Rabbi Yaakov (Chavi) Wealcatch, Dr. Shmuel (Malki) Wealcatch, Chaim (Aviva) Wealcatch,  Moshe (Shirah) Wealcatch, and Rabbi Avi (Miriam) Wealcatch.Shiva will be observed through Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Noemie Wealcatch, The Arlington, 6701 Park Heights Avenue, Unit 1E, Baltimore, MD 21215 beginning with Shacharis at 8:00AM on Monday.  .PARKING:Please note: With permission, the parking lot at Rabbi Taub’s Arugas HaBosem is available for overflow parkingShacharis: 8:00AM Mincha/Maariv: 8:15pm. Shiva will be open t...
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Baltimore, MD – July 14, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Marianne Fudem, a’h, mother of Tzvi (Sarah) Fudem, Barbara Kay, and Renee Immel. The Levayah will be held in Scottsdale, AZ on Monday, July 15, 2024. Shiva through Sunday morning July 21, will be observed by Tzvi Fudem in Baltimore beginning with Shacharis @ 7:00AM on Wednesday, July 17 at 6313 Pimlico Road, Baltimore, MD , 21209.The family respectfully requests no visitors from 12:30PM to 2:00PM, 6:00PM-7:00PM and not after 10:00PM (Motzaei Shabbos until 11:00PM) Minyanim: Shacharis: 7:00AM Mincha/Maariv: 8:15PM (Mincha Erev Shabbos: 2:30PM) Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
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BOOST Scholarship Award – Acceptance Deadline Baltimore, MD - July 18, 2024  - This message serves as a final reminder of tomorrow’s deadline to formally accept the BOOST scholarships that were awarded to your children. If you have not done so yet, please click here to go to the BOOST web portal or access it from the email you should have received with the scholarship notification.  Upon logging in, find your application submission under the “My Submissions” tab. Then select the “FORMS” tab, click on the “Award Offer” link, and scroll to where you select to accept the scholarships (and you can select to update your info, if necessary). If you are having difficulty doing this, please contact our office at 410-484-363...
Arab affair analyst Avi Issacharoff believes that Hamas is at its lowest point militarily since the war began. Issacharoff wrote in an article on Ynet that "now of all times, when Hamas needs a ceasefire, Israel must take the opportunity to push for a hostage deal. "Hamas is at its lowest point militarily since the war began," Issacharoff wrote and quickly emphasized that "it's still not a breaking point, and we're not expecting to see Yahya Sinwar leave his tunnel with a white flag any time soon." He noted that "the organization's military wing has experienced dramatically significant events in the past weeks which led it to weakness the likes of which it hasn't seen in past years." "The majority of the wing's top brass was either eliminated or is mi...
Baltimore, MD -  July 18, 2024  - With its refrigerated trucks and vast parking lot, the outside of the Tulkoff Food Products plant looks like every other business in the industrial park. But the 98-year-old business is anything but ordinary. The six-acre site Tulkoff occupies in Holabird was once part of an active Army base during World War II—it’s where they tested the iconic Willys Jeep—and now houses a football-field-sized room filled floor to ceiling and front to back with horseradish. You might think that a room filled with over two million pounds of horseradish root would make your eyes water, or at least your nose tingle, but instead it smells like the dirt that still clings to the root of the horseradish plants from when they were two feet i...
Baltimore, MD – July 18, 2024  - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Eli & Yaffa Atias on the birth of a daughter. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Mrs. Mazal (Shimon, z'l) Atias and Rabbi & Rebbetzin Zvi & Chasida Teichman     יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בתם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden's administration from continuing to implement a new student debt relief plan designed to lower monthly payments for millions of Americans. The St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted a request by seven Republican-led states to put on hold parts of the U.S. Department of Education's debt relief plan that had not already been blocked by a lower-court judge. That ruling last month by U.S. District Judge John Ross in St. Louis had blocked the department from granting further loan forgiveness under the administration's Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan but had not blocked all of the plan. That plan provides more generous terms than past income-based repayment plans, lowering ...
Baltimore, MD - July 18, 2024  - President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 Wednesday amid a national uptick in emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Hospitalizations in Maryland have remained low, but virus activity is very high, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With fresh cases bubbling up, particularly the southwestern U.S., health officials are recommending that all Americans get a new vaccination this fall. CDC wastewater monitoring shows “very high” coronavirus levels in seven states and “high” rates in another 19. Maryland’s very high rate of transmission is based on tests conducted at nine wastewater treatment sites. “Outpatient visits to emergency departments have increased...
Anti-Israel groups are seeking to mobilize a heavy presence in Washington, DC for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s July 24 congressional address, threatening him with arrest. “Surround the US Capitol and issue a notice of citizen’s arrest for Netanyahu for crimes against humanity,” said the Shut It Down for Palestine coalition. Beyond the coalition’s main members, which include the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), National Students for Justice in Palestine, the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism Coalition (Answer), the People’s Forum, and Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, almost 200 groups have endorsed the rally next Wednesday. American Muslims for Palestine, the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Code Pink, the U...
Washington, D.C. - July 18, 2024  - (Axios) Top Democrats are privately urging President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race due to mounting pressure, poor polls, and concerns about his ability to win. Although Biden remains publicly committed to his campaign, he is privately resigned to the pressure from party leaders, friends, and donors. They argue that his continued candidacy could lead to a significant loss to former President Trump and harm Democratic prospects in Congress. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have directly communicated their concerns to Biden, while other prominent Democrats, including former President Obama and the Clintons, are signaling similar messages through their silence or public criticism. The pressure ha...
Jerusalem, Israel - July 18, 2024  - In commemoration of 65 years since the passing of Israel and Ireland's former Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Dr. Yitzhak (Isaac) Halevi Herzog, z"l, his grandson and namesake, President Isaac Herzog hosted an event at the Beit Hanasi in Jerusalem, Israel on Thursday. The event marked the launch of his grandfather's republished works in English and the selection of the late Chief Rabbi Herzog z"l as a symbolic role model by the "Hemed" state religious education system for the upcoming academic year. The event was attended by Israel's Sephardi and Ashkenazi Chief Rabbis, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, and Rabbi David Lau, together with the country's Minister of Religious Affairs, Rabbi Michael Malchieli, and other distinguished rabbis and guests. At ...
Baltimore, MD - July 18, 2024  - Our spacious, new Beis Midrash is one of the crowned jewels of our Mikdash Mi'at. In this holy space, our daily and weekly shiurim and learning opportunities will take place for both men and women. As you enter the grand double doors from the south hallway, a designated women's section is in clear view on the left-hand side, including its own separate entrance. The men's section boasts high ceilings, beautiful windows, a central skylight, and doors leading to the enclosed courtyard. The back wall eagerly awaits the installation of grand bookcases to be filled with sefarim. Just across the hall, lies our extensive Judaica library along with numerous, spacious classrooms with windows and doors leading to the outdoor playground area. This e...
Baltimore, MD – July 18, 2024 - 10:08AM:Good morning,We were just notified that jury selection is currently underway, however the court testimonies will begin only on Monday morning at 9:00am.We understand that many of you have made arrangements to join the trial today or tomorrow. Your effort doesn’t go unnoticed. We appreciate your understanding in this unpredictable time.We will post additional updates about Monday’s court information. Please reach out with any questions at you,Efraim’s Family
Jerusalem, Israel - Juy 18, 2024  - Defense Minister Yoav Gallant approved on Thursday the sending out of approximately 1,000 draft orders to haredi men on Sunday, marking the first orders sent out since a landmark ruling by Israel's High Court of Justice in June that officially ended the long-standing haredi exemption from IDF service. According to a statement put out by the defense ministry, the IDF intends to send out 1,000 draft orders in three waves, in order to meet its goal of 3,000 haredi draftees this year, in addition to the 1,800 who were slated to join existing IDF frameworks. The IDF will conduct a "learning process" at the end of each wave, in order to improve the process for the next wave, the statement read. The second wave will occur in appr...
Baltimore, MD – July 18, 2024 – 9:05AM - Be aware of roadwork on Cross Country between Bancroft and Strathmore that reduces traffic to one lane.
Baltimore, MD - July 18, 2024 - Mrs. Hochberg’s first role in my life was as the person I was sent to for misbehaving in class. One would think that I, as well as the rest of the boys at Torah Institute, would not enjoy being in the office where we were sent for misbehaving, but this was not the case.We all very much enjoyed Mrs. Hochberg and the pleasant atmosphere that she created in her office. How did she accomplish this? How did she reprimand little boys without leaving hard feelings? Shlomo Hamelech says in Mishlei, “Kamayim hapanim lapanim kein lev ha’adam la’adam”. A person’s heart is able to detect what lies under the surface of another person.  If one person sincerely loves the other person, even if he has an unpleasant expression o...
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