Baltimore, MD - Oct. 23, 2024 - Photos of Baltimore’s Ziditchover Rebbe, HaRav Yissachar Dov Eichenstein, throughout Yom Tov
Bereishis contains many firsts.  For that matter it really contains all firsts.  Central however to all the firsts is the existence of Shabbos.  The Torah tells us “Hashem blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on that day he abstained from all work which he had created to do”.   (Bereishis, 2:3) Interestingly, Shabbos observance is not given as a Mitzvah at that time.  I am unaware of any commentaries or Midrashic sources which indicate that Adam Harishon was commanded to or kept Shabbos.  Moreover, Hashem chose not to include Shabbos observance in the Sheva Mitzvos B’nei Noach.  There are Mepharshim and Gemaras which discuss Avraham Avinu wanting to keep Shabbos but unsure if he was permitted to – If he was a goy, ...
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Baltimore, MD – Oct. 21, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life  (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mr. Eli Schuck, z’l, father of  Mr. Moshe (Sora Rochel) Schuck and Mrs. Yael (Tzvi) Weiser (sitting in Israel) and brother of Yaffa Eisner (sitting in  Brooklyn)  Shiva will begin Motzaei Shabbos and be observed through Thursday morning, Oct. 31 at 6226 Berkeley Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 21209 Minyanim:Maariv Motzaei Shabbos: 6:55PMShacharis: Sunday 8:00 AM; Monday-Thursday 7:00 AMMincha/Maariv: 5:55 PM Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
Occasionally, when learning Torah, we come face to face with historical facts which may be at odds with the scientific perception or agenda of the day.  Parshas Bereishis contains perhaps a thousand of those possibilities, in the first Aliya alone.  Today, where evolution and the Big Bang are no longer advanced as theories, but rather taught as scientific facts, we must be very deliberate in how we explain these apparent inconsistencies to our children.  Several very dedicated and talented Mechanchim that my children have had, have dealt with this issue with different approaches and styles.  One approach has simply been to say “science is wrong”.  Indeed, history is full of many examples of scientific impossibilities becoming reality.  Whether it ...
Jerusalem, Israel - Oct. 23, 2024  - Baltimore’s Dr. Michael Elman Shares Hallel in the Sukkah at the Churva Shul, during the Hoshana Rabbah Netz Minyan
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 23, 2024  - Erev Yom Tov Reminders and Safety Tips Eruv Tavshilin: Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin today. Halachos of Eruv Tavshilin written by Rabbi Shalom Aryeh Greenfield, reviewed by HaRav Moshe Heinemann, shlita. Trash Collection: If you have trash pickup on Yom Tov, move your cans to the curb before Yom Tov. They cannot be moved once Yom Tov starts. Carbon Monoxide Safety: Ensure proper ventilation when using gas stoves over Yom Tov. Leave a window open or use an exhaust fan to prevent carbon monoxide buildup from burning gas, prioritizing family safety.
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 22, 2024 -  Maryland added 2,700 total jobs in September, all in the private sector, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). So far in 2024, Maryland’s employment has grown by 1.2%, slightly ahead of the national rate of 1.1%. The preliminary data from BLS also suggest that Maryland’s labor force expanded by just over 1,000 new workers. Although BLS estimates that the number of unemployed workers actually fell slightly in September, the State’s unemployment rate remains at 2.9%. This rate remains one of the lowest in the nation and well below the national rate of 4.1%. In September, the top five sectors that contributed to Maryland's job growth were: Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (2,100 ...
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 23, 2024  - Maryland’s U.S. Senate race is not neck-and-neck, according to the latest polls, which give Democrat Angela Alsobrooks an edge over Republican Larry Hogan. However, given that Maryland’s registered Democrats outnumber their Republican counterparts by more than two to one, some political experts call the race to fill the open Senate seat surprisingly close. The leading candidates are taking nothing for granted. Two weeks until Election Day, two days until early voting gets underway, and both Alsobrooks and Hogan are working to connect with and win over voters. Hogan stopped at a deli in Owings Mills on Tuesday morning, while Alsobrooks spent time at a barber shop in Largo on Tuesday afternoon. Both nominees entered the final stretch of ...
Baltimore, MD – Oct. 22, 2024 – In today’s world, having packages delivered to our homes has become a way of life. Unfortunately, incidents of package theft from doorsteps have been on the rise, with individuals actively seeking out unattended deliveries. Even visible porch cameras don’t always deter criminals, so it’s important to bring packages inside as soon as possible. However, what should be done when packages are delivered on Shabbos or Yom Tov? Please be aware that Rabbi Heinemann and Rabbi Hopfer have stated it is permissible to kick a package into your house using your foot or feet on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Wishing everyone a safe and joyous Yom Tov and Shabbos.
Cottage cheese, dated the day before the massacre of October 7th. “How do you think they feel, having 10 sweaty, smelly soldiers living in their house?” she asked. * * * I’m no historian, but I remembered learning something about soldiers taking over private homes for their own use. The details, however, were elusive. I guess I should have paid more attention in American History class, but thankfully Professor Google quickly refreshed me on the particulars. With apologies to my British daughter-in-law, it seems that 11 years before the American Revolution, the British passed the Quartering Act, which required the Colonists to provide housing and provisions to the British soldiers in their towns, at their own expense. While it’s popularly believed that thi...
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 22, 2024 - Almost one year ago, nearly 300,000 American supporters of Israel rallied together on the Mall in Washington to free the hostages, support Israel, and fight antisemitism. None of these issues have been resolved and we must continue to Stand Together and make our voices heard. On Sunday afternoon, November 10th, we will Stand Together in Washington at Nationals Park.• 12 PM: Doors open• 1 PM: Programming begins and concession stands open• 3 PM: Main program begins• 5 PM: Program ends Register Now We need to be there to demonstrate that one year later we are Standing Together with Israel, for the hostages, and against antisemitism. We need to be there to demonstrate that one year later we are Standing Together to express our gratitud...
Going back in time to when Rabbi Tzvi Holland from Star-K Kosher Certification explained the significance of the sukkah—a temporary hut that reminds us of God's protection when the Israelites left Egypt. Rabbi Holland shared insights about living in the sukkah for a week to connect with God through eating, sleeping, and gathering in this special space. We also explored the unique objects associated with Sukkot, such as the etrog, a citron fruit that's integral to the holiday. You'll learn about its origins, particularly from Calabria, Italy, and why it’s considered pure and un-grafted, making it fit for the mitzvah. Also, discover the symbolism behind the four species used during Sukkot: the etrog (heart), lulav (spine), myrtle (eyes), and willow (lips). Each...
Annapolis, MD - Oct. 22, 2024  - Wes Moore, the governor of Maryland, announced late last week that close to $1 Million from $60.5 million in both federal and state funds would be given as grants to Jewish organizations in Maryland to increase services for those who have been victimized by crime. Among those funded, the Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital received $161,870; The Associated (Jewish Federation of Baltimore) received $220,670; and the Greater Washington Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse received $464,761. Combined, the funds totaled $847,301. “In partnership, we are reaffirming our commitment to supporting victims of crime and ensuring that every Marylander has access to the resources they need to heal and seek justice,” Moore said...
A survey published by the YouGov public opinion research institute, in collaboration with the Saudi Arabian Arab News newspaper, found that former President Donald Trump currently has a surprising advantage among Arab-American voters who intend to vote in the upcoming US elections. According to the survey, 45% of Arab-American voters are planning to vote for Trump; in comparison to 43% who are planning to vote for Harris. Despite the calls for boycotting the elections, 87% of respondents said that they intend to vote in the elections which are due to be held in two weeks. Eighty percent of them stated that "our voice has an impact" and consider it important to vote for one of the candidates. Seven percent are still debating whether to vote at all, while 6% said they w...
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