Over the past few days, IDF troops located and conducted targeted raids on a large network of underground infrastructure and tunnel shafts that included living quarters, and armories, and found a large quantity of weaponry. According to the IDF, the infrastructure was intended to aid Radwan forces as part of Hezbollah’s “Conquer the Galilee” plan. "The tunnel network was embedded in the heart of a town, beneath the homes of Lebanese civilians that were used by Hezbollah terrorists, who cynically exploited civilian infrastructure in southern Lebanon," the IDF stated. On Wednesday morning, the tunnel network was dismantled by IDF troops. Earlier in the day, with the direction of the IDF Northern Command, the IAF struck dozens of Hezbollah terrorist targets in the Nabati...
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Oct. 15, 2024:Dear friends,We are truly overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity shown by the beautiful Baltimore Jewish community. Baltimore is, and always was, a city of chesed (kindness), and R' Dovid and I are proud to have grown up there. May this year bring growth, happiness, prosperity, and peace to all of you, to Am Yisroel, and to the world.Thank you for being by our side. Rochel Frid (née Reich) on behalf of R' Dovid and the family. Donate Now: https://bit.ly/SavingRavDovid Rochel Frid has been fighting a battle that no one should face alone. Her husband, a kind and loving father, is battling life with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), a cruel disease that has robbed him of his ability to move, speak, and live independently. Despite the tremend...
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Baltimore, MD - Oct. 15, 2024  - Always wanted to join Daf Yomi but needed a little nudge? Enter O'Fishel's Mitzvah Motivators Get Your HEAD in SanHEDrin Program, with incentives of up to $1,000! Details on mitzvahmo.com
Troops from the Alexandroni Brigade's Battalion 7012 on Wednesday blew up Hezbollah's central operations command center in southern Lebanon. The command center was built across from the Ramim Ridge and the Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona in the Galilee panhandle. In the village of Muhajbib, where the command center was located, troops exposed numerous shafts that led to underground infrastructure consisting of advanced command centers, berthing and planning rooms, communications rooms, and more. During the time that Battalion 7012 operated under the 8th Brigade, the troops seized hundreds of Claymore mines that were ready to be used, advanced shoulder-fired and anti-tank missiles, hundreds of hand grenades, hundreds of RPG grenades, hundreds of anti-tank mines, and ammunition. A...
We are about to enter זמן שמחתנו — the time of our gladness. Yet we are still reeling from the horrific events that began nearly a year ago, and are still occurring daily, that make it so difficult to rejoice. We will soon read over Sukkos from Koheles, where King Solomon speaks of aעת ספוד — time to wail, and a עת רקוד — time to dance. These two periods are contrasted as conflicting with each other, intimating they cannot coexist. There is a fascinating assertion made by two very diverse schools of thought. Both the Netziv, the famed Rosh HaYeshivah of Volozhin, and the great Chassidic master, the Holy Kohen of Lublin, Reb Tzadok, teach that on Sukkos there is an injunction to dance! Although all the holidays are referred in the Torah as חגים...
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Baltimore, MD - Sept. 22, 2024 -  As always, Shabsi's Judaica looks forward to assisting you with all your Yom Tov needs. Click on the graphic below for a larger, printable version of Shabsi's Judaica Yom Tov season schedule!  
The YomTov of Succos represents multiple ideas within the Torah and the Mepharshim.  The Torah tells us that the Chag recalls how we lived in these makeshift houses as we left Mitzrayim. (Behar 23:43)  The Gemara questions whether we are commemorating the actual “houses” in which we lived temporarily or whether we are really referring to the Ananei Hakovod which divinely protected us when we were in the Midbar.  (Gemara Succah, 11b) Either way, The Gemara concludes we are recalling an event which took place in Nissan, around the same time as Pesach, immediately after Yitzias Mitzrayim, Indeed, Chazal say that Succos would be more appropriately celebrated in the spring but we shifted it to the fall so it would not appear that it was simply a comfortable time to co...
The STAR-K site offers helpful information related to the halachos of schach mats, certified schach manufacturers and local establishments that have a sukkah on their premises. Links to these are articles, podcasts and webinars are provided below for your convenience. Local Establishments The following are STAR-K certified restaurants and facilities in the Baltimore area that have sukkahs available for their customers: Accents Grill Caramels Pizza Cocoacinos/Pie 18 Cafe Croustille Cafe David Chu China Bistro Goldbergs Bagels King David Nursing Home Mama Leah’s Pizza Mangal Food Truck Serengeti Steakhouse Taam Thai Asian Fusion The Club Grill Tudor Heights Assisted Living Yesh Hummus Grill Yossi’s Falafel Schach-Related Articles, Podcasts and Webinars Kos...
Lufthansa, Germany’s biggest airline, has been fined a record $4 million for discriminating against Jewish passengers, the US Department of Transportation announced Tuesday. The fine stems from a May 2022 incident in which the airline prohibited 128 Jewish passengers from boarding. The DOT noted in a consent order that the passengers were wearing “distinctive garb typically worn by Orthodox Jewish men.” They were denied boarding as a group and were unable to connect in Frankfurt to Budapest from a New York flight because of “alleged misbehavior of a few.” However, the passengers did not know each other nor were they traveling together. In a press release, the airline said the incident “resulted from an unfortunate series of inaccurate commun...
Baltimore, MD – Oct. 15, 2024  - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Wealcatch on the birth of a son. Mazel Tov to Grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov Wealcatch יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
IDF special intelligence Unit 504 revealed on Tuesday night that one of the Hezbollah fighters it had captured and interrogated said that "they all fled...after the assassination of [Hezbollah chief Hassan] Nasrallah, I did not see any of them." Unit 504 is known as "the IDF's Mossad", and its activities are generally highly secretive, with even its top commander's name not being revealed. The IDF said it found Wadah Kamal Yunis in a Hezbollah tunnel in southern Lebanon. It said that IDF troops found and surrounded the tunnel and started to explore it. Eventually, IDF soldiers found Yunis and brought him to Israel to be interrogated by special Unit 504.
The US told Israel that it would impose an arms embargo on the Jewish state if it does not resolve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, N12 reported on Tuesday. The White House reportedly expressed deep concern over the "deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza in recent weeks" and called for urgent steps within the next month to reverse this trend.  Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant received a letter from the Biden Administration outlining American positions on Gaza, N12 noted. The letter reportedly called for Israel to be held to its March 2024 commitment "to allow and not prevent the transfer of American humanitarian aid or aid supported by the administration in Gaza." As part of this commitment, the State Departm...
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 15, 2024 -  (WBALTV) Baltimore County fire investigators determined an electrical malfunction caused Monday morning's fire at the St. Paul Praise and Worship Center in the 500 block of Reisterstown Road
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 15, 2024  - Walgreens announced on Tuesday plans to close 1,200 "underperforming" locations by 2027, including about 500 in 2025. The closing locations will consist of buildings owned by Walgreens and where leases are set to expire in 2025. The company said there is a cost to closing some of its locations, but sees opportunities in subleasing underperforming stores. Walgreens Global Chief Financial Officer Manmohan Mahajan told investors that 2025 closures would be weighted toward the back half of the fiscal year. "We are prioritizing closing locations that are cash flow negative, underperforming stores where we own the locations and ones where the lease expirations are coming due in the next few years," he said. "The economic benefits of this approach should b...
Holocaust Survivors Defy Terror Yaron Dotan's father, Yossi, is a Holocaust survivor living in the “Beit Juliana” assisted living residence in Herzliya. On Yom Kippur night, he, along with dozens of other Holocaust survivors from the Netherlands, found themselves the target of a direct terror attack by Hezbollah, when a UAV launched from Lebanon struck the residence. “After the Nazis failed to murder them Hezbollah tried to do so, but they won’t succeed either,” wrote Yaron. “My father is living proof. Not only did he survive the Holocaust, but he also now leads a large family with dozens of descendants across Israel, a true symbol of victory.” The elderly residents were jolted from their sleep by the blaring sirens and explosions. Miraculo...
Baltimore, MD – Oct.15, 2024 – Below are the STAR-K Restaurants & Certified Facilities with Sukka's Available Accents GrillAventura Assisted Living (formerly Tudor Heights) Caramels Pizza Cocoacinos/Pie 18 Cafe Croustille Cafe David Chu China Bistro Goldbergs Bagels King David Nursing Home Mama Leah’s Pizza Mangal Food Truck Serengeti Steakhouse Taam Thai Asian Fusion The Club Grill Yesh Hummus Grill Yossi’s Falafel
Havel havalim, says Koheles, vanity of vanities, futility of futilities, all is vanity.  Until you sit down and really study Koheles, it is hard to hear a message from it other than that everything is vanity.  But if you  can get past the hevel, there is a guidebook for life in Koheles, that fits life in this world as almost no other book does.  The summary penultimate verse of Koheles, “The sum of the matter, when all has been considered:  “Fear Elokim and keep His commandments, for that is all of man”, tells us that this book is about having Yir’as Shamayim, fear of heaven, but it is hard at first glance to tie this to, and find it in, the rest of the book. I had been learning Koheles with a friend on a weekly basis for about 8 months, b...
Israel is facing a potential shortage of defense system interceptor missiles as it bolsters air defenses against possible attacks from Iran and its proxies, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday. If Iran and Hezbollah attack Israel simultaneously, Israel's air defenses may be overwhelmed, Dana Stroul, a former senior US defense official, explained to the Financial Times. “If Iran responds to an Israel attack and Hezbollah joins in too, Israel's air defenses will be stretched,” Stroul said. Stroul also noted that the US cannot indefinitely sustain supply efforts for both Ukraine and Israel, as resources are reaching a critical limit. Moreover, Boaz Levy, CEO of Israel Aerospace Industries, the state-owned manufacturer of Arrow in...
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