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As the new year arrives, we often reflect on our blessings and challenges. For many Israeli families, the struggle to make ends meet and overcome financial difficulties is a daily reality. The question remains: Can we truly call it a "Happy New Year" if our neighbors and fellow citizens are struggling? At Paamonim, we believe in "The Responsible Way." We help Israeli families take control of their financial situations and regain stability. But we can't do it alone. This New Year, help us help others. Your donation can make a real difference in helping as many Israeli families as possible overcome their financial hardships. By donating to Paamonim, you're giving families the tools to succeed and create a better, brighter future. We need your donation. Together, we can make thi...
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Baltimore, MD - Oct. 6, 2024 - The Baltimore Esrog Center is proud to partner with Shearith Israel Congregation, the renowned Glen Avenue Shul in Baltimore. As a historic Orthodox synagogue with deep roots in Northwest Baltimore, Shearith Israel has long served as a beacon of tradition, guided over the years by esteemed leaders such as Rabbi Shimon Schwab and now Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer. This revered congregation, integral to the fabric of Baltimore's Jewish community, has played a key role in the establishment of the Baltimore Esrog Center. In collaboration with Shearith Israel, the Baltimore Esrog Center is dedicated to offering the finest Arbah Minim, upholding the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Our boutique is a celebration of heritage and excellence, and we are hon...
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As Yom Kippur approaches, the Frid family humbly stands before the community with a heartfelt plea for help.  Rochel Frid has been fighting a battle that no one should face alone. Her husband, a kind and loving father, is battling life with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), a cruel disease that has robbed him of his ability to move, speak, and live independently. Despite the tremendous physical and emotional challenges, Rochel remains steadfast in her love and care. ALS is not only devastating because of its impact on health, but it also brings overwhelming financial burden. The cost of specialized equipment, full-time care and at-home medical treatments is immense, leaving Rochel struggling to keep her husband at home where he feels safe and loved, while at the same ti...
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Baltimore, MD - Sept. 22, 2024 -  As always, Shabsi's Judaica looks forward to assisting you with all your Yom Tov needs. Click on the graphic below for a larger, printable version of Shabsi's Judaica Yom Tov season schedule!  
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 8, 2024 – With the 2024 General Election season in full swing, as mail-in ballots begin arriving (for those who have requested) and Early Voting slated to begin in less than three weeks, the Vaad HaRabbonim/Rabbinical Council of Baltimore met on Monday with two important candidates on the November ballot: former Governor Larry Hogan, running for the Maryland Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Senator Ben Cardin, and current Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr., who is running for the 2nd District Congressional seat left by retiring Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger. As in past pre-election meetings of this type, the forum was coordinated by Agudah Maryland and took place at Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation. In addition to the rabbonim, repres...
Gush Etzion, Israel - Oct. 7, 2024  - Today, we pause to absorb, reflect, remember, and respond in a way fitting for a year of realities too overwhelming to truly take in. Each atrocity, which began on October 7th and steadily compounded throughout the year, is horrific on its own, and heart-wrenching as part of the collective montage. Flashes of vivid imagery passed fleetingly before my eyes as I wanted, with all my heart, to pay homage to all that we, as a people and a country, have lost. I also wanted to honor the multitude of miracles—many open for all to see, and many deeply felt by those who survived against unimaginable odds. As a way of bringing some healing into the world, I participated in a gathering of therapists who hope to open a Healing Center, The Emet Center, s...
Baltimore, MD – Oct. 8, 2024 -  BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Yehudah Vegh and Meira Reches on their engagement. Mazel Tov to David & Josie Vegh and Jeffrey & Renee Reches and grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Peggy Marks and  Mrs. Susan Reches Landesman.     יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!  
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 8, 2024  - A newly released poll from UMBC indicates a majority of Maryland residents are struggling to keep up in today's economy. The poll surveyed 1,003 adults in the state, 917 of which are registered to vote. Broken down by political party, those polled were 53 percent Democrat, 24 percent Republican, and 22 percent unaffiliated. The survey was made up of 48 percent men and 52 percent women. By race, 59 percent of respondents are White, 29 percent Black and five percent each Hispanic and Asian. When asked to rate the state's economic condition, 66 percent gave a poor (34%) or fair (32 %) grade. Only 28 percent said Maryland's economy was good, with a dismal four percent giving excellent marks. Breaking down specifics, 89 percent are very or ...
Baltimore, MD – Oct. 8, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life  (BJL) informs the community of the petira of  Mrs. Gilda Shapiro, a’h, mother of David (Linda) Shapiro, Marc Shapiro, and Randy (Michael) Weiss. (Mrs. Shapiro was a teacher in Bais Yaakov of Baltimore for more than 30 years) The levayah will take place graveside at United Hebrew Cemetery, 3901 Washington Blvd, Halethorpe, MD 21227, on Thursday, October 10th, 2024, at 1:00 pm. Randy Weiss ( will be sitting shiva in Denver through Friday afternoon, Erev yom Kippur. Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
Baltimore, MD – Oct. 8, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life  (BJL) informs the community of the petira of R' Avraham Chaim b"r Nosson Frank, z’l, husband of Mrs. Leora Frank and father of Chana Schwartz. R' Avraham Chaim b"r Nosson Frank was niftar  on 6 Tishrei/October 8 in Beitar Illit (Givah A). The Levaya was held at Shamgar in Yerushalayim today at 3:00pm (IL).The Franks moved to Baltimore in 1990 and moved to Israel in November 2022 to join their daughter and son-in-law and grandson (born the day before they arrived in Israel). R’ Avraham learned in the Rabbi Dovid Feldman's Kollel in the Ateres Tzvi shul. Because of how he persevered despite physical disabilities, becoming an accomplished lamdan, he was an inspiratio...
The Passuk in Vayikra 11:42 says that anything that slithers like a snake “Lo sachileim” (do not feed them) as they are disgusting. The Gemara in Yevamos 114b learns out from three places that one may not feed a child a forbidden food. The above passuk is one of the three places. The question arises can one feed a child on Yom Kippur? Since the child may eat for his health, there would be no problem in feeding him. Or is it forbidden for the adult to feed him, and the child will need to get his own food. The Magen Avraham 619:9 says it is assur. The Mishna Berurah 25 agrees with him. In the Shaar Hatziyun the Mishna Berura differentiates between a child the age of eleven and or twelve there it would be forbidden whereas a chi...
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 8, 2024  - The Baltimore City Council voted Monday to ban gas-powered leaf blowers. The ordinance will impose fines on violators and applies to residents, private contractors, and city workers. The measure, which passed by a 10-5 vote, follows a national trend toward addressing pollution. “It’s a good day for the environment, public health, and basic peace of mind in your home,” said City Councilman Ryan Dorsey, the bill’s sponsor. “We are approaching my eighth fall in office. I’ve had seven falls where I’ve heard from people asking when we will ban these things once and for all. They’re not only polluting, but also ruining the peace of mind in my home.” The bill now heads to Mayor Brandon Scott f...
Anne Arundel County, MD - Oct. 8, 2024  -  Time is running out for an Anne Arundel County family trying to clear their daughter’s name after she was accused of cheating in school. But now, Project Baltimore has found the school system has some explaining to do. Tara Davis is down to her last chance to save her daughter’s academic reputation. “I never imagined that I'd have to go to these lengths,” said Davis, an Anne Arundel County parent. Davis’s daughter, who asked not to be on camera, attends Broadneck High School in Anne Arundel County. Last school year, the now 11th grader, was accused by the district of using artificial intelligence to complete an English assignment. Her school does not have a policy concerning students using AI. Inste...
Baltimore, MD - Oct. 8, 2024  - Baltimore has officially been named the 6th least safe city in the country. The website, Wallethub, compared dozens of safety indicators in 182 U.S. cities. South Burlington, Vermont was named the safest city in the country. Memphis, TN was named the least safe city in the country. 'Out of 182 cities studied, Baltimore was ranked 177th scoring near the bottom in "home and community safety" as well as "financial safety." Charm City ranked higher in the category comparing cities at risk of natural disasters. South Burlington, VT was cited for having some of the best roads in the country and one of the lowest rates of pedestrian fatalities.
The 7News I-Team has obtained the final bill for U.S. Senate candidate Angela Alsobrooks's unpaid property taxes on a property she used to own in the District.According to the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue Alsobrooks owes $47,580.56. On September 22, D.C.'s Real Property Tax Administration learned about the potential discrepancy based on media reports. Alsobrooks was deeded the former home of her grandparents in 2003. She said she never lived at the property. "There is no way for the Office of Tax and Revenue to know if a property owner actually lives in the property. By law, a property owner is required to alert OTR within 30 days of their change in status if they are no longer domiciled at the property," said Brianna Jordan with the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue under th...
Annapolis, MD - Oct. 8, 2024  -  More than half of Marylanders approve of how Gov. Wes Moore is performing as governor and 46% say the state is headed in the right direction, while 66% of adults in the sate have a poor or fair view of the economic conditions over the past year, according to a new poll from the UMBC Institute of Politics. The poll, which was conducted between Sept. 23 and Sept. 28, asked a series of questions about the direction of Maryland, economic state, political leadership, and the size of state government to 1,003 adults with a margin of error of 3.1%. Click here to view the poll Gov. Moore, who is in the middle of his first term, continues to see high job approval ratings. According to the poll, 54% of Marylanders approve of the governor’s job perf...
Jerusalem, Israel - Oct. 8, 2024  - Yesterday (Monday), the IAF conducted a precise, intelligence-based strike in the area of Beirut, eliminating Suhail Hussein Husseini, Commander of the Hezbollah terrorist organization headquarters. The headquarters oversees logistics within the Hezbollah terrorist organization, and is in charge of budgeting and management of it's various units in the organization.Husseini played a crucial role in weapon transfers between Iran and Hezbollah and was responsible for distributing the advanced weaponry among Hezbollah’s units, overseeing both the transportation and allocation of these arms. Additionally, he was a member of the Jihad council, Hezbollah's senior military leadership council.The headquarters includes Hezbollah's Re...
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