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Come Now, The Lines Are Moving Quickly!Baltimore, MD - July 23, 2024 - Summer Free Food for ALL Children 18 and under USDA SFSP Every Tuesday. Convenient Location.
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Baltimore, MD - July 18, 2024 - The Sylvia Rosenblatt Hebrew UnSchool at Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah is dedicated to fostering spiritual growth and a love of Judaism in children of all ages and from all backgrounds. Please reach out to discuss if we can help contribute to your child’s Jewish education. The early bird special lasts until the end of this week. Come on over and find out what all the excitement is about. Click on the graphic below for more information.
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Baltimore, MD – July 21, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Sara Cohen, a’h, mother of Estie (Chaim) Kahn, Leah Klein, Mordy Cohen, and Aryeh Cohen. Shiva in Baltimore will be observed from noon on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, through Friday at 4:00PM at 2325 Blackberry Road, Baltimore, MD, 21209Visiting times: 10:00AM-12:30PM, 1:00PM-6:00PM and 7:00Pm to 10:00PM.  Friday 10:00AM -4:00PM Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
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“We saved this money for a rainy day. But, there’s a mabul happening!” These are the words that Reuven Wolf, renowned philanthropist shared at a Keren Olam HaTorah event. The emergency fundraising campaign initiated by the leading gedolim of Eretz Yisroel and Jewish philanthropists worldwide, Keren Olam HaTorah has marked this day to launch their unprecedented fundraising mission. After Israeli government budget cuts left yeshivos and kollelim with a $107 million deficit, over 50,000 bochurim and avreichim face an uncertain future. And that’s why Keren Olam HaTorah was created. Our gedolim's tireless efforts have already garnered an astounding $84 million in pledges, but we still face a shortfall of $23 million. This Wednesday, July 24th, our gedolim a...
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Fast of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz, Tuesday, July 23, 2024- Baltimore Zmanim: Fast Begins: Lemachmirim 4:20AM, Lemaykilim: 4:45AM Fast Ends: 9:10PM Baltimore, MD - July 22, 2024 - Although the Three Weeks and the other two fasts are a period of mourning and introspection, Zechariah the Navi tells us (Zechariah 8:19) that eventually, the four fasts of Klal Yisroel will be a source of joy and gladness – if we but embark upon the goal of loving both truth and shalom.  These two themes are central to Torah life.  Rabbi Chaninah tells us (Shabbos 55a) that Hashem’s seal is truth.  Shalom is also one of the names of Hashem, in addition to being a central theme of our daily Tefilos.  If we learn to love these ideals – the fasts will be turned around. ...
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Baltimore, MD – July 23, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Yosef Hershel Efron, z’l, father of Menashe Efron.  The levayah will be held in Kansas City, MO, Wednesday, July 24, 2024  @ 2:30 PM Central time / 3:30 PM Eastern time Click here to watch livestream.  Meeting ID: 810 0455 2784 Passcode: 653112 Shiva in Baltimore will be observed through Tuesday morning beginning with Mincha on Thursday, July 25 at 2503 Summerson Rd., Baltimore, MD, 21209 Visiting hours 10:00AM-12 Noon, 1:00PM – 4:00PM, after maariv - 7:15PM - 9:00 pm Minyanim: Mincha/Maariv: Thursday, Sunday, Monday 6:35pm (Plag) Erev Shabbos Mincha: 7:00PM Motzaei Shabbos: 9:05PM Shacharis (Vasikin): Friday, Sun...
Baltimore, MD - July 23, 2024 - Star-K Yoshon UpdateClick on the graphic below for a larger, printable version
Baltimore, MD - July 23, 2024  - Faced with a $3.3 billion transportation budget shortfall, the Maryland Department of Transportation had to make tough funding choices. State leaders scrambled to balance the deficit by pausing certain improvement projects and raising registration fees. They’re also considering a new way of collecting revenue from drivers. Earlier this year, MDOT, in partnership with The Eastern Transportation Coalition, launched a pilot program testing the mileage-based user fee (MBUF). “So, it's pretty simple in concept. If you use the roads, you pay for the roads. You use the roads more, you pay for the roads more, so it's really creating that link between use and payment and getting away from the fuel tax as being the way we fund transportat...
US Deputy Special Presidential Envoy For Hostage Affairs Dustin Stewart met on Tuesday with families whose loved ones are being held hostage by Hamas and with bereaved families who are accompanying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his visit to the US. Itzik Bonzel, whose son Amit fell in battle in Gaza told the Envoy: "The time has come that the US sent the munitions that the IDF needs for combat. He continued: "It can't be that the US speaks in two voices and only cares for its own citizens. Today, in Congress, only five pictures of hostages were hung, those of the US citizens, and they ignored the rest. We can't learn from a poll that only 80% of American citizens will support Israel. That means that 20% support Hamas. Does the US not understand that if Hamas is not elimi...
Jerusalem, Israel - July 23, 2024  - The Schreiber LevTech Entrepreneurship Center of Machon Lev, the Jerusalem College of Technology, (JCT) was launched in October 2017, offering a range of programs. This year the annual Hackathon, or technology marathon, took place within an intensive, short time, and provided a platform for students to design and develop prototypes of products to solve the problems presented by industry and organizations.  Approximately 100 students competed in each of the hackathons over the years and were exposed to creative thinking and exposure to major companies, start-ups, and VCs. This year the winning team included Baltimore's Benji Tusk, with teammates Zev Tovbin, Eyal Schachter, Yishac Brody, an...
The National Security Council issued an advisory to Israelis traveling to Paris, France, for the 2024 Olympic Games, saying that “international events of this type are a preferred target for threats and attacks from various terrorist groups.” Several international terrorist groups have incited attacks against targets during these games, including against Israelis and Jews. The council noted two incidents in which would-be terrorists were arrested by French authorities, both inspired by the Islamic State. A 16-year-old was arrested on April 25 after planning to use an explosive belt at the competition, and on March 31 French police said they arrested an 18-year-old Chechen national planning to carry out an unspecified terrorist attack. Over the past few years, the council sa...
The International Criminal Court Pretrial Chamber on Tuesday accepted the filings of more than 60 governments and NGOs to intervene regarding a request from ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan to issue arrests for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and three top Hamas officials, including Gaza Chief Yahya Sinwar. The ICC also said those filing could send their legal positions concerning the issues at stake by August 6. From the volume of those filings, simply the process of gathering and analyzing the filings, let alone deciding on them after the fact is likely to take months if not longer. A senior Israeli legal source said that around 30 of the parties were stepping in on Israel’s side, including the US, Germany, the Czech Republic, and others...
Republican members of the US House of Representatives held a press conference following their weekly meeting on Tuesday during which Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for not planning to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress on Wednesday. "I'm happy to welcome Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for what will be his fourth address to a joint session of Congress. He will set the record surpassing Winston Churchill, as the foreign leader who's addressed Congress the most times because we live in historic moments and because his testimony directly to Congress is so important," Johnson opened. Johnson reiterated that the US and Israel are united in a common cause to bring the hostages home an...
At a meeting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held in Washington with hostage families which was attended by Noa Argamani, the hostage who was rescued, Argamani told Netanyahu about her time in captivity, ”One of the hardest things I experienced in captivity was the moment I heard you say on the radio that the war would be long. Argamani told Netanyahu that this statement made her lose hope that she would get to see her sick mother and that she would return home alive. She also said that when two hostages who were with her were killed, she literally saw ‘death right there before her eyes.’ During the meeting Argamani told the PM that “we must bring the hostages home as quick as possible, before it is too late.” Representatives of the hostage families who ...
The Three Weeks, A Period of Mourning Tuesday July 23 is the fast of the 17th of Tammuz, from early morning until evening. It is the day when the walls of Jerusalem were breached before the destruction. But this year, the ancient words "the walls were breached" have special significance. Imagine the walls protecting the city falling, and the Roman enemy simply entering, conquering, and destroying. Sounds familiar? That is what happened to us on Simchat Torah, when the walls in the south were breached. The fast of the 17th of Tammuz symbolizes the beginning of the "Three Weeks," a period of mourning that lasts until the fast of the Ninth of Av, the day of the destruction of the Holy Temple and the beginning of the exile. This year, sadly, there is so much new mourning. So, is the goal ju...
Baltimore, MD - July 23, 2024  - Boxes of various sweets, manufactured by Anabtawi Sweets Co, bear an unauthorized STAR-K sticker. These include Cashew Fingers, Mamoul, Baklava, Barazek and Kaeek with Date. Corrective action is being taken.
US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has tendered her resignation amid scrutiny of security lapses related to the recent assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump, sources tell CNN. The move comes as lawmakers and an internal government watchdog move forward with investigations into the agency’s handling of Trump’s protection and how a gunman came close to the killing the 2024 Republican presidential candidate at a rally in Pennsylvania this month. There have been bipartisan calls in Congress for her resignation and a push by Republican lawmakers to impeach her. Lawmakers were particularly incensed after her appearance for public testimony in front of the House Oversight Commitee Monday, where she was unwilling to answer many of the committee&rsq...
Baltimore, MD - July 23, 2024  - Yeshivas Toras Simcha celebrated a milestone in its growth today with the graduation of the first eighth grade class.  Under the direction of their rebbe, Rabbi Yitzi Shulman, the students completed Meseches Tamid for the sixth time and made a siyum at the graduation.  Rabbi Hillel Shepard, menahel, welcomed all of the parents, grandparents and supporters and emphasized how these students are the torch bearers of the school.  They have set the standard for hasmada (diligence) in learning and excellence in midos.  Following the siyum there was festive dancing and a seuda.  Then the attendees were addressed by Rabbi Tzvi Teichman, Rav of Ohel Moshe, who emphasized the dedication of the parents who encouraged their sons’ gr...
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) on Monday argued Vice President Harris’s “deep empathy for the situation of Palestinian Americans” presents an opportunity to appeal to Muslim and Arab American voters who criticized President Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Jayapal, speaking with MSNBC, said anchor Joy Reid’s reporting that Harris on the 2024 presidential ticket could reopen the door with Palestinian Americans is “absolutely right.” “I do think she [Harris] has a deep empathy for the situation of Palestinian Americans. It’s more natural to her,” Jayapal said, reflecting on a recent discussion she had with Harris about the ongoing conflict in Gaza. “And so, I think these are things that ...
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