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Baltimore, MD - July 4, 2024 -Read the Current Issue of Baltimore Jewish Home. Click on the graphic below:
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Baltimore, MD – June 30, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the  petira of the Zidichover Rebbe of Chicago, Moreinu Harav Yehoshua Heschel Eichenstein, z’l, father of HaRav Yissocher Dov Eichenstein.HaRav Yissocher Dov Eichenstein has returned to Chicago and will be sitting Shiva at 6342 N. Troy, Chicago, Il,. 60659through Sunday morning (not Monday as originally announced).  Minyanim: Shacharis: 7am and 8am. Mincha: 7pm. Maariv: 10pm.   Official Shiva visiting hours: 10am-1:30pm 4-7pm 8-10pm For those coming in special and wanting to visit outside of these hours, please be in touch with R' Shaul Edelman to coordinate.  The Rav can be called on his cell between 7-8pm.  Bila HaM...
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Baltimore, MD – June 30, 2024  - It is with deep regret and sorrow that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the sudden and tragic petira of Adina (Aryeh) Zahavi, a’h, mother of nine, daughter of Barry & Susie Openden and sister of Yossi (Yona) Openden and Dahlia (Daniel) Steinherz. and her husband Aryeh heroically saved all of their children from a fire that broke out in their home in the middle of the night.  One of the children is still in the hospital with burns. Please keep  מיכאל בן עדינה בתשבע in your teffilos. The Levayah will take place at 10:15AM (Israel) (3:15AM Baltimore)  on Monday, July 1, 2024 at Beit Kneset Ashkenazi -Kochav YaakovShiva will be o...
After the battle of Korach vs Moshe, the Torah tells us that Elazar was told to collect the firepans of the 250 dead followers of Korach. Normally, a task like this would have been delegated to Aharon. Why here is Elazar chosen to collect the firepans, and what can this teach us about the broader story in Sefer Bamidbar?
Randallstown, MD – July 4, 2024 – Members of the STAR-K family were zoche to cut wheat for Shmura Matzoh under the supervision of Rav Moshe Heinemann, shlit"a, today at Migrash Farms, owned by Yosef Hertzmark. The Rav inspected the combine machine to ensure it was completely clean, checked the wheat to ensure it was dry, and oversaw the harvest.
Basem Naim, a member of Hamas' diplomatic bureau, denies the Israeli reports regarding the omission of the condition for a ceasefire during the first stage of the deal to end the War in the Gaza Strip. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Naim said that the Israeli reports about the issue are incorrect and that during the first stage, there will be a ceasefire between the sides and there will be negotiations regarding a permanent ceasefire. According to him, Hamas proposed several ideas to overcome the differences between the two sides and to ensure a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. A Hamas source told Hezbollah affiliate Al Mayadeen that the changes that Hamas made to the Israelis' last proposal draft do not change anything substantial. On Wednesday, the head of Hama...
Baltimore, MD - July 4, 2024  - A Maryland board approved a $50.3 million emergency contract on Wednesday to pay a Swedish construction company that removed debris from the March collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. While the work to remove debris from the federal channel in the Patapsco River was done by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Maryland entered into the emergency contract with Skanska USA Civil Southeast Inc. in April to remove debris from other channels that could then be used by salvage and commercial vessels after the collapse. Skanska was chosen because it had successfully demolished the existing Nice/Middleton Bridge across the Potomac River, according to state records. The company was considered qualified and equipped to perform similar operations tha...
Baltimore, MD - July 4, 2024 - Today, Thursday, 28 Sivan, July 4th, is Yom Kippur Koton and is a special opportunity to daven on behalf of Achainu B'nei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel and worldwide.  Please note the following Yom Kippur Koton/Mincha Minyanim in town:  (If you know of any others, please let us know so we may add them to this list.) Khal Ahavas Yisrael Tzemach Tzedek (KAYTT) Rabbi Dovid Heber -  1:45 PM -The Ezras Noshim will be open for women. ArtScroll Yom Kippur Koton booklets will be available. Community Kollel - 2:45PM Agudah of Park Heights - Rabbi Moshe Heinemann -  7:40PM (Upstairs 3rd floor) Bais HaKnesses Ohr HaChaim  -  Rabbi Zvi Weiss -  7:35PM (Please text 410-458-9522  if you will be fasting) Darchei Tzede...
The IDF has established control over just over one-quarter of the Gaza Strip, according to an investigation by the Haaretz newspaper. According to the report, based on the analysis of satellite photographs and other sources of information, Israeli forces now control 26% of Gaza. The IDF has been expanding bases in the Gaza Strip, building infrastructure and paving roads. The article claims that the IDF "first established a buffer zone along the Israeli border, flattened almost all the buildings within it and prohibited Palestinians from entering it. The army also took over the Philadelphia axis, to prevent Hamas from having access to Egypt, and many buildings were leveled there as well." At least four bases were set up on the road along the Netzarim Corridor, which prevents Ha...
The past year has been disorienting for American Jews. The country we knew, founded on the values of liberty and fairness and characterized by its kindness and caring, welcomed us here and encouraged us to live and to thrive as Jews. Does that America still exist, and if so, for how much longer? Are the horrific scenes on the streets of New York and Los Angeles and on innumerable university campuses the new American normal?   The vast majority of Americans, its leaders and its citizens, refuse to accept that. They share our horror at what has taken hold in pockets of this country amongst those who are ashamed of and angry with America.   Americans are proud of this country and of what it stands for. They know that the union can always be more perfect but value and che...
The Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Akhbar newspaper on Thursday morning reported "significant developments" in the negotiations for a ceasefire-prisoner swap deal between Israel and the Hamas terror group. Separately, an Israeli official told CNN that recent developments indicate that Israel and Hamas are "on the brink" of signing an agreement for such a deal. According to one report, Israel will evacuate the Rafah Crossing, with Egypt's agreement, until a final agreement is reached regarding who will manage the crossing in the future. However, Israel will not commit to a complete withdrawal from the Philadelphi Corridor. A senior Israeli source said, "We received a response without a demand to commit to ending the war during the first stage. We can bring back the look...
A series of sirens which began at 10:00a.m. Thursday morning has continued nearly incessantly for over an hour and a half, as Hezbollah launches dozens of UAVs and rockets towards Israeli territory. The launches are aimed at various locations in northern Israel, and included rockets which crossed into Israel, in addition to the UAVs. One man of about 20 suffered severe injuries in barrage, which Hezbollah claimed included over 200 rockets and about 20 UAVs. Though the rockets fell in open areas, shrapnel from an interception fell in an Akko (Acre) mall. Firefighters are now working together with the Nature and Parks Authority to extinguish the fires which broke out following the launches. It is believed that the launches were a response to the elimination of a top Hezbollah terrorist ...
Following last month’s dramatic High Court ruling, the military has begun gathering the income tax data of young Charedi men, the Kan public broadcaster reports. According to the report, the Israel Defense Forces intends to first send draft notices to employed Charedi men as it works to comply with the attorney general’s order to start conscripting 3,000 members of the community.
Vice President Kamala Harris’ allies are privately discussing what her candidacy would look like if President Joe Biden dropped out of the race for the White House and how they could help her, following Biden’s disastrous debate performance Thursday, according to people familiar with the matter. These conversations have been held over phone calls and text messages between some people who raised money for the vice president during her failed 2020 Democratic primary campaign against Biden and other contenders, said the people, who were granted anonymity in order to speak freely about private conversations. Key issues include whether Harris would control the massive Biden-Harris campaign war chest managed by Biden’s team if the presi...
Baltimore, MD - July 3, 2024  - As heat index values of around 100 to 105 are expected, Baltimore City's Health Commissioner has declared a Code Red Extreme Heat Alert from Thursday, July 4th, through Shabbos, July 6th.
Vandals defaced 176 gravestones at a Jewish cemetery in Cincinnati on Tuesday morning, the Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati (JCGC) and the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati reported. US President Joe Biden reacted to the incident on X, calling the act of vandalism "despicable" and "vile." "I condemn these acts and commit my Administration to support investigators in holding those responsible accountable ...
Israel transferred 435 million shekels ($116 million) of withheld tax revenue to the Palestinian Authority, the first such transfer since April, the Israeli and Palestinian finance ministries said on Wednesday. Israel collects tax on goods that pass through Israel into the West Bank on behalf of the Palestinian Authority and transfers the revenue to Ramallah under a longstanding arrangement between the two sides. Since the Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has withheld sums earmarked for administration expenses in Gaza. Israel also deducts funds for electricity, water and costs to treat Palestinians in Israeli hospitals. Even after these deductions, Palestinian officials say the amount is far below taxes collected each mont...
Jerusalem, Israel - July 3, 2024 - Pursuant to the directive of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and following its prior approval to import 98,400 foreign workers, the committee of directors general on foreign workers, chaired by Prime Minister's Office (PMO) Director General Yossi Shelley, decided today (Wednesday, 3 July 2024), to import 14,300 workers as follows: * A quota of 2,750 foreign workers for nursing institutions under the supervision of the Health Ministry * A quota of 1,550 workers for nursing institutions under the supervision of the Welfare and Social Affairs Ministry * A quota of 5,000 foreign workers for the transportation infrastructure sub-sector * A quota of 5,000 workers for the renovation contractor sub-sector The quotas, which were approved fol...
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