Mrs. Cathy Dinovitz's Brother, Mr. Leo Reich's Son-in-Law, former Baltimorean Rabbi David Frid, Urgently Needs Your Help! (Watch Visit of Mekubal HaRav Hagaon Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, Shlita, to R' Dovid)

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 09/13/18

ALS has left Cathy's brother, R’ Dovid Frid, completely paralyzed and on a breathing machine. He needs 24-hour surveillance to survive.

This cost, in addition to doctors, medicines, supplemental equipment and a myriad of other expenses not covered by government insurance are well beyond his family’s ability.

PLEASE click here NOW to save R' Dovid Frid

With your support, they will be able to handle the month-to-month struggle to pay for never ending expenses.They can't do it alone. They need your help! 

Erev Purim 5778: An unbelievable and emotional visit took place before Purim of the Mekubal HaRav Hagaon Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, Shlita, to R' Dovid, an ALS Patient in Kiryat Telz Stone, Israel. The Rav brought words of chizuk and comfort to R' Dovid and his family and a special blessing to K'lal  Yisroel, asking them to help the Choleh and his family in their struggle with this terrible disease. In his visit to Reb Dovid, the Mekubal Hatzadik Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, Shlita, gave a personal guarantee for the health of the families that donate to this extremely worthy cause.


If you would have known R’ Dovid Frid before ALS, a cruel and debilitating disease, began wreaking havoc on his body, you would have seen a man who loved life. A man who was dedicated to learning Torah and raising his eight children.

This Purim you have the chance to save a life, in fact a whole family, AND be Zocheh to the Bracha of the Mekubal Hatzadik Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, Shlita.

 Open your heart and click here to help save R' Dovid Frid

VERIFIED BY KUPAT HAIR, FUND NO. 2605. (directions for donating through Kupat Hair are on the web spot - please remember to mark that the donation is for fund no. 2605.)