How Far Does The Kosel Extend?

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 02/19/18 | News Source: MATZAV

MK Yisroel Eichler sent a letter to the attorney general, prime minister and minister of religious affairs demanding they tell the Supreme Court that the Kosel extends south until the Old City wall. This was in anticipation of a fast-approaching deadline. The state must soon explain to the High Court why it is not honoring the original terms of an agreement to set up a pluralistic Kosel,

The court also wants to know why Kosel regulations instated in 1981 did not include a detailed map of the area included with former regulations dating from 1972.

Eichler said the state must insist that the borders of the Kosel plaza extend to the Old City’s wall as indicated in 1972 map. No new map was included with the 1981 regulations because this was obvious, he said.