Smith Ave Safety - Your Input Needed

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 10/10/17

Dear Friend and Neighbor,

Following up on the Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Meeting the Pikesville-Greenspring Community Coalition (PGCC) sponsored during the summer, we are writing now to ask you for your much-needed input.  We also are inviting you to a very exciting meeting PGCC has scheduled with Baltimore County and State officials, where you will have a focused opportunity to present your concerns to the governmental officials empowered to solve the problems that exist.

The meeting has been scheduled for Monday, November 6, 2017, beginning promptly at 2:00 PM, in Room 156 at the State Highway Administration (SHA) District Office located at 320 W. Warren Rd, Hunt Valley, MD 21030.  It is very important for you and your concerned neighbors to attend.  There is strength in numbers, and the more people who attend, the better the chances of success; conversely, we know from experience that a poor turnout will lead to poor results.

To set the agenda for the meeting, we have designed a simple, 10-question online survey that will be open through Thursday, October 19.   You will go directly to the survey when you click on the following link:

Your input, by taking this survey, is critically important, as we expect to have a full agenda, and it is unlikely there will be time at the SHA meeting to discuss issues that are not included on the agenda, which will be determined by the survey’s results.

Finally, we ask that you forward this email to your friends and neighbors who live in Baltimore County on or near Smith Avenue, between Seven Mile Lane and Greenspring Avenue – in Pickwick, Wellwood, Valley Stream (Indian Village), Shelbourne Heights, Greenspring Manor, Forest Green, etc. – so that they too can participate in the survey and attend the meeting on November 6.

All who complete the survey may be assured that PGCC respects their privacy and will NOT disclose any survey participant’s responses, only the aggregated results of the survey.


Mical Wilmoth Carton and David H. Feldman, Co-Chairs, PGCC Traffic and Safety Committee