Fall Prevention Fair (Photos)

By BJLife/Marla Lewis
Posted on 09/26/17

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 26, 2017 - On Sunday, September 17, Steady Strides Fall Prevention & Stroke Rehabilitation Medical Institute held their Grand Opening Celebration in honor of Falls Prevention Week.


A great time was had by all with carnival games, face painting and even Tai Chi. Many healthcare providers were their to meet with community members, and free falls assessment screenings were offered. The Governor's Proclamation on the importance of fall prevention was presented to Dr. Atanelov.



The Governor's Proclamation on the importance of fall prevention was presented to Dr. Atanelov.


Steady Strides is a pioneer medical clinic, directed by Dr. Levi Atanelov, that uses an evidence-based approach originally developed and tested a John Hopkins.

Patients receive a comprehensive assessment to develop individualized recovery and management plans. Through our protocol, we work with the patients and their family to identify specific goals and actively help you meet them, taking the lead physician role in your recovery to get you back on your feet.