Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim/Talmudical Academy of Baltimore Celebrates A Century of Torah Chinuch (6 Videos & Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Devorah Klein
Posted on 09/19/17

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 19, 2017 - For weeks, the Baltimore community was seeing placards, posters, and bumper stickers, inviting us to “The Dinner of a Century.” Indeed, the event did not disappoint, as over 1300 people gathered at the exclusive Martin’s West on Dogwood Road on Sunday, September 10 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our very own Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim/Talmudical Academy.


The beautiful evening was chaired by Mr. Yehuda Neuberger and Mr. Jerry Wolasky, and featured moving entertainment by Rabbi Baruch Levine, including a beautiful original composition, “Legacy of Generations,” lauding the history of TA.

Harav Aharon Feldman, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, and a member of YCC/TA’s first graduating class in 1947, was the first speaker of the evening.

“I must confess,” the Rosh Yeshivah admitted. “I don’t remember a word of what I learned while I was in TA. However, it was not a waste, because Torah is compared to a shirah, to a song. I may have forgotten the words, but I will never forget the music.”

He explained that in TA, he learned the greatness of a Jew, that Torah is sacred, and that mitzvos are vital, and bring happiness and success.  He learned that Torah is a way of life beyond anything else on Earth, and those that keep it are a different breed of human being.

He recalled the noble character of Rabbi Chaim Eliezer Samson, zt”l, who served as the Menahel of YCC/TA for over fifty years.  He recollected about the years spent in the shiurim of Harav Yaakov Bobrovsky, zt”l, a talmid of Harav Baruch Ber Leibovitz who taught the young Rav Feldman Gemara for five years.

“I express my deepest gratitude to all those who supported TA since its inception. May they continue to see the fruits of their work.”

Mr. Yehuda Neuberger then expressed welcome and hakaras hatov to the Menahelim and principals of the yeshivah, including the newly appointed high school principal, Rabbi Hillel Dudovitz. He also expressed hakaras hatov to The Associated for all of their support, and recognized the many political leaders and government officials who have helped the school in so many ways, many of whom were present at the dinner.

Greetings were delivered by Senator Ben Cardin, a longtime friend of the Jewish community. “This is an incredible evening!” he proclaimed. “and an incredible showing of support for the future of Jewish education in this community…I wish you many more years of success, and it is an honor to represent you!”

Awards were presented to Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz, and Baltimore City Mayor Catherine Pugh, accepted by Councilman Yitzy Schleifer. Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, Maryland Director of Agudath Israel of America, presented an award to Delegate Adrienne Jones, and alumna Mr. Leonard Attman, TA Class of '51, presented an award to Governor Larry Hogan for his tremendous efforts in passing BOOST legislation, which assists private school students with tuition costs. The award was accepted by Lieutenant Governor Boyd Rutherford.


Additional awards were presented by Rabbi Yehuda Lefkovitz, president of YCC/TA, to those who sponsored the book, “A Century of Stars,” written by Rabbi Yechiel Spero, documenting the history of TA. The book was distributed to all dinner guests at the conclusion of the evening.

Lifetime Leadership Awards were presented to seven past chairmen of the board, by Mr. Peretz Wertenteil, current chairman of the board.   On video, these seven chairmen attested to how much they personally gained by their involvement in the yeshivah.

An award presentation was made to Rebbetzin Rachel Rabinowitz, a daughter of Rabbi Samson, in appreciation of all that her father did for the yeshivah. The award was accepted by her son, Dr. Avi Rabinowitz.

The Master Builders’ Tribute was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Norton Foxman and Mr. Emanuel J. Friedman and family, by Rabbi Yehuda Lefkovitz, who expressed words of praise for their magnanimous gifts towards the yeshivah’s construction of brand new, state of the art, preschool and high school buildings. A video presentation depicting the construction project, which is now underway, was shown. The project will conclude a complete renovation of the current buildings.


Finally, the Centennial Tribute was presented in memory of Mr. Yerachmiel Baruch Friedman, z”l, and accepted by his family, in recognition of his many contributions to YCC/TA, to the Baltimore community,  and to Klal Yisrael.

One highlight of the evening was a video presentation on which many alumni, including Harav Shlomo Miller, shlita, and Harav Yisroel Neuman, shlita, recalled their years in TA and the tremendous influence that it had on their lives.  The final message of the evening emerged – At YCC/TA, through the dedication of talented rebbeim and staff, talmidim were taught that Torah is life.  The world has changed in many ways through the years, but TA, and Torah values remained constant.