Kushner, Greenblatt Arrive in Israel

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 08/23/17 | News Source: Arutz-7

Jared Kushner, US President Donald Trump's son-in-law, and US special envoy Jason Greenblatt arrived in Israel Wednesday night.

Greenblatt and Kushner are in Israel to resume peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The two US officials will meet with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas tomorrow (Thursday).

The US delegation had previously met with the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar on their most recent visit to the Middle East this week.

President Trump has spoken of his desire to reach an "ultimate deal" between Israel and the PA.

Kushner admitted in a conversation published by Wired Magazine earlier this month that there may be no solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Kushner said: "So as tensions were really mounting, I don't know if everyone is familiar, but there were two people—two Israeli guards killed at the Temple Mount (and that's the first time in many, many, many years that that happened, so Israelis [unintelligible] putting up metal detectors on the Temple Mount, which is not an irrational thing to do. You know when you have—police officers were just killed, and weapons that were used to [unintelligible] the weapons to check them—so then what happens is they start inciting it."