Posted on 04/27/17
Baltimore, MD - Apr. 26, 2017 - Third grade students at Ohr Chadash were learning about environmental advocacy. In order to get the full experience of what it means to advocate for something, the students went to City Hall where they pitched their ideas to several council members, including Mr. Yitzy Schleifer. The students advocated for the Councilman to put recycling bins in all public areas, like parks. Students even drew up a prototype of a recycling bin they felt would be best. While visiting and advocating, the students learned how the judiciary system works and what the process would be going forward if their idea was to be moved ahead. Since the council members all voted "yes," the next step involved the DPCW (Department of Public City Works). Members of the department came to OCA and paid the students a visit. They explained what they do for the city, how the students could use what they learned to help, and listened again as the students advocated for what they felt was right for their city. The DPCW is looking into making the students prototype! This experiential, hands-on learning activity really taught the students what it meant to see something through. Who knows... maybe we will see one of OCA's students' recycling bins out on the streets soon.