Bais Yaakov Exhibit 5777/2017 Stirs Thousands

By BJLife/Isaac Draiman
Posted on 01/19/17

Baltimore, MD - Jan 19, 2017 - For the last two weeks, another of the legendary, larger than life Bais Yaakov of Baltimore exhibits has been open to the public, and judged by the comments of mesmerized visitors, this one has certainly equaled if not bettered its predecessors in its grandeur and magnitude. The Exhibits have been presented to the public every four to five years and are largely seen as a truly unique experience in the larger Jewish community, drawing many thousands of visitors. These include schools and groups that bus in from the tri-state area and beyond. An observer commented that if a museum type presentation of this quality were created in the New York vicinity, it would easily draw tens of thousands of guests in a mere matter of weeks.  In addition, this year’s schedule included “Grandparents Day” as well as many other group tours including, but not limited to, The Associated Women, Israel Bonds Women, as well as members of the Deaf and hard of hearing community (see articles about all of these below), to name a few.

The Exhibit theme depicted in this year’s presentation is the group of great women throughout Jewish history who formed or led Klal Yisroel. The theme, “Eishes Chayil: Guardians of Our Glory- A Celebration of Women in Tanach,” movingly depicts the central role that our Imahos (matriarchs) and nevios (prophetesses) played in the creation and development of our people. The Exhibit occupies an entire high school floor, with eleven large classrooms and hallways dedicated to the Imahos, sheva nevios and other great righteous tzidkaniyos alluded to in Eishes Chayil (Mishlei, Perek 31:10-31). A combination of the professional quality of the presentations and their beautifully crafted messages has led to guests- men and women- experiencing genuine inspiration. And these guests include an amazing range of our brothers and sisters from all walks of Jewish life.

Numerous hashkafic and historical ideas, places and images are projected at the Exhibit through a multiplicity of artistic media. The creativity of the students extends to mockups of Esther in Achashveirosh’s palace, the tents of our Imahos, a real kriyas yam suf (splitting of the sea), a DNA model, the eitz hada’as, (tree of knowledge) and much, much more. The vast array of media used include actual cut stone (!), beautiful stained glass, embroidery, quilting, stunning art work, mosaics, videos and interactive games. The materials used- costing tens of thousands of dollars and including numerous structures- include a list as long as the students’ minds were creative in planning their individual projects.

It is truly hard to believe, in times when our young people have to fend off so many outside influences, that they can muster their determination, stamina, diligence, happy spirits and comradery to create a project of this sort, taking thousands of man hours and endless old fashioned, loving handiwork to complete. Our Imahos must certainly be smiling in shomayim, to witness such wonderful and inspired children. Unending thanks are due to our superstar faculty trio who guided the students in their efforts, project brainchild Mrs. Wolf, together with Mrs. Goldstein, and Mrs. Krakauer.  Their z’chus, together with that of utterly selfless teachers and parents, all blessed with untold s’yata d’shmaya (Divine assistance), have helped the students bring a great and unique gift to Klal Yisroel, and supreme nachas to all of us at Bais Yaakov.

The Exhibit is open for its final viewing this Motzoei Shabbos January 21st , 7:30-11:00 PM.  For more information email: or call: 443-548-7700 ext. 9130.