HaRav Yeruchim Olshin, shlita, Speaks at Baltimore's Kollel Nachlas HaTorah (Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Dr. Yaacov Marsh
Posted on 08/11/16

Baltimore, MD - Aug. 8, 2016 - On Sunday morning, August 7, 3 Av 5776, HaRav HaGaon R’ Yeruchim Olshin, shlit”a,  Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha  of Lakewood spoke to a large and attentive crowd at Kollel Nachlas HaTorah of Congregation Machzikei Torah. The event opened with a warm welcome to the Rosh Yeshiva by  HaRav Nesanel Kostelitz, shlit”a, Mara d’Asra of Congregation Machzikei Torah, who pointed out the many connections between Lakewood and the Baltimore community, where many families have members who have learned or are still learning in BMG or other Lakewood Torah institutions. He summarized the significance of the connection by noting that the initial letters of the two cities spell out the word ”lev,” an appropriate reference to the lev tahor with which Hashem created man, and which is sustained and nurtured by limud haTorah.

Further words of appreciation and hakoras hatov to the Rosh Yeshiva were delivered by the Rosh Kollel of Nachlas HaTorah, HaRav Nechemiah Goldstein shlit”a. Rabbi Goldstein cited numerous references to the imperative of  hakoras hatov in the Torah, pointing out from this past week’s parsha the decision of Moshe Rabbenu to send a shaliach to lead the war on Midian rather than taking the duty on himself because of his personal debt of gratitude to Midian for granting him refuge. This was but one of many examples going back to Avrohom Avinu.

The Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Yeruchim, then gave a wide-ranging address on the Gemara’s famous puzzling answer to the question “al mah avdah haaretz?”  (What was the cause of the churban?) The Gemara says that the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed despite the fact that Klal Yisroel observed the mitzvos and learned Torah diligently, they did not make a berochoh on the Torah. The Rosh Yeshiva reviewed many of the interpretations that have been suggested for this surprising answer. Does it mean that they did not make birchas haTorah at all, that they did make a brocha but did not have kavana. or had the wrong kavana. or that they made the brocha “asher bocha bonu”  but not “veha’arev na”  which includes other people. The final answer he gave, based on the ideas of the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, was that their Torah learning was not lishmah, which should be the ultimate aim and results in Torah protecting Klal Yisroel from harm. As the program came to a conclusion, many of the attendees stayed on to greet the Rosh Yeshiva and discuss the shiur.  

All men of the community are invited to discover how much they can gain from Kollel Nachlas HaTorah. They can expect to enjoy a warm, friendly and enlightening experience.The Kollel’s well-structured program runs from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every morning from Monday through Friday, following Machzikei Torah’s 8:30 Shacharis, with generous refreshments available. The learning program schedule begins with a half-hour shiur on Mishnah Berura given by Rabbi Goldstein from Monday through Wednesday. The shiur centers on Hilchos Brachos, interrupted when appropriate by topics such as Hilchos Yom Tov in the relevant seasons. On Thursday morning, the Halocho shiur is replaced by a shiur on Pirkei Avos during the summer, and on Friday by Parshas Hashavua.

The first shiur is followed by an hour of Gemara learning in chavrusos or larger groups which move ahead at their own pace depending on the participants’ preferences regarding speed and depth. Currently, some members are learning Sanhedrin, while others are now learning Sukkah, having previously completed Beitza,  Berachos and Megillah..  At 11 a.m., Rabbi Goldstein delivers a half-hour Gemara shiur on Megillah.

The members of the Kollel come from a diverse range of backgrounds, and there is much wide-ranging and lively give-and-take between the participants. Rabbi Goldstein’s broad and deep knowledge enables him to expose everyone to a wide spectrum of halachic opinions and illustrative stories spanning periods from the Rishonim to current poskim.

In addition to the regular daily limudim, distinguished Rabbonim and other leading community figures periodically deliver guest shiurim. Over the past year, guests included HaRav Yaakov Hopfer, shlit”a. Mara d’Asra of Congregation Shearith Israel, HaRav Nesanel Kostelitz,  who spoke about HaRav Shmuel Wosner, zt”l, and HaRav Yisrael Neuman, shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood’s Beth Medrash Govoha.   

The Kollel provides an opportunity to men of all ages who have time available in the morning which they would like to engage in the most valuable endeavor -- advancing their Torah knowledge in a structured way. It is particularly suitable open for men who are retired, between jobs or have flexible schedules. It is not necessary to attend every day, or to spend the full two hours at the Kollel. All shiurim are delivered on a level commensurate with the background of all the participants. And the Kollel beis medrash is available to anyone who wants to sit and learn or listen to a shiur in a beis medrash environment, whether on a regular or occasional basis.  

For more information, please contact Rabbi Nechemiah Goldstein at 410-358-1019 or Rabbi Yitzchok Neger at 443-803-0580.