Updated with Even More Photos as of Jan. 13, 3:45 PM - Torah Community of Eretz Yisroel Welcomes 16th Annual Agudath Israel of America Yarchei Kallah (Photo Essay)

By Agudath Israel of America
Posted on 01/13/16

Torah Community of Eretz Yisroel Welcomes 16th Annual Agudath Israel of America Yarchei Kallah - Photo credits www.shmuelheinemannphoto.com

Updated as of Jan. 13, 3:45 PM:

Yarchei Kallah participants listen avidly to Harav Yitzchok Zilberstein

Harav Dovid Hirsch, Mechaber Sifrei Peer Halacha giving a Halacha Shiur

Harav Yitzchok Zilberstein, Rav Ramat Elchonon while giving shiur at the 16th Agudas Yisroel Yerusholayim Yarchei Kallah

Harav Moshe Aron Friedman, RM Yeshivas Mir Yerusholayim giving Shiur Iyun

Harav Asher Arielli, Rosh Yeshivas Mir Yerusholayim delivering the shiur on the topic of aseh docheh lo saseh

True Rischa D'oraisa following Harav Asher Arielli shiur

Harav Shlomo Englard, Radziner Rebbe explaining the shita of the Baal Hatecheles zt”l

Harav Meir Hellman demonstrating to the Yarchei Kallah participants the process of dyeing techeles

Harav Reuven Leuchter delivering divrei hisorerus at day 3 of the Agudah Yerusholayim Yarchei Kallah

Updated as of Jan. 12, 2:10 PM:

Partial view of the lomdim listening to Rav Pinchos Friedman, Rosh HaKollelim of Belz

Partial view of the lomdim listening to Rav Pinchos Friedman, Rosh HaKollelim of Belz

Harav Pinchos Friedman, Rosh Kollelim Belz addresses the Yerusholayim Yarchei Kallah

Harav Boruch Dov Povarsky, Rosh Yeshiva Ponovez while giving a lively shiur on the 2nd day of Yarchei Kallah

Harav Yochonon Rudensky, Rosh HaYeshiva Mercaz HaTorah giving Iyun Shiur

Harav Nisan Kaplan, RM Yeshivas Mir Yerusholayim giving a lebedige Halacha Shiur

Harav Moshe Chodosh Rosh HaYeshiva  Ohr Elchonon giving divrei chizuk vehisorerus at the culmination of day 2 of Agudas Yisroel's 16th annual Yerusholayim Yarchei Kallah

Photos below are from Jan. 11

Partial view of the lomdim listening to the shiur hakdama at the 16th Yarchei Kallah

Partial view of the lomdim at the shiur hakdama of day 1 at Yerusholayim Yarchei Kallah

Partial crowd listening to Rav Weiss

Harav Yeshaya Portnoy giving iyun shiur

Harav Dovid Cohen giving the first iyun shiur at the Yarchei Kallah

Harav Asher Weiss giving shiur Hakdama

Divrei Chizuk from Harav Tzvi Mayer Zilberberg at the psicha of Agudas Yisroel's 16th Yerusholayim Yarchei Kallah