Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek Holds Annual Siyum-Melaveh Malkah (Video & Photo Essay)

By BJLife/Isaac Draiman
Posted on 01/07/16

Baltimore, MD - Jan. 6, 2016 - On December 26,  Motzoai Shabbos Parshas VaYechi, Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek, under the leadership of Rabbi Dovid Heber, shlita, held its annual Siyum Mishnayos Melaveh Malkah. This year, KAYTT honored Drs. Sol and Rena Langermann and Rabbi and Mrs. Yehudah Prero, and marked the 10th anniversary of Rabbi Dovid Heber, shlit”a as Rav of KAYTT.

The evening started out with introductory remarks by the master of ceremonies, vice president Rabbi Yochanan Stein. He then introduced Rabbi Yoel Benyowitz, one of the maggidai shiur in the shul,  who then made the siyum mishnayos, a long time shul tradition for Motzoai Shabbos Parshas Vayechi,  begun by the founding Rav, Rabbi Mendel Feldman, zt”l.  

In a video presentation, both Dr. Langermann and Rabbi Prero expressed their feelings towards the shul and hakoras hatov for the role it plays in their lives.  President R’ Yosef Muller and Rabbi Prero’s chavrusa and shul secretary Shloime Grunhut shared their thoughts on the honorees deep involvememt with the shul. Rabbi Heber also spoke to the commitment and devotion the honorees had to tzorchei tzibbur and the difference they have made to KAYTT. Rabbi Heber, Rabbi Stein  and R’ Yosef Muller made the award presentation.  A surprise honoree was then announced as well. Rabbi and Mrs. Prero’s son Reuven, a talmid in the mesivta of Yeshivas Choftez Chaim/Talmudical Academy, continues to be involved in many aspects of the running and care of the shul, and he was asked to come forward (he had been in the kitchen working!) and received a token of the shul’s appreciation as well.

The assembled were then privileged to hear from HaRav Hershel Rosenfeld, Rosh Kollel of K’hal Chassidim of Baltimore’s Kollel L’Hora’ah. Rabbi Rosenfeld, with lineage from the great Chassidic dynasties, kept with Chassidic tradition and shared beautilful and inspiring ma’aselach to illustrate an important point – we sometimes fail to appreciate what we have, and specifically, Rabbi Rosenfeld mentioned that both Baltimore and KAYTT should appreciate the hadracha and leadership of Rabbi Heber.

Much thanks is due to all those who made the evening a success, including the shul's vice president, Mosi Treuhaft of the Knish Shop and his wife; Binyomin Waldman, who played the keyboard, N'shei KAYTT who prepared the room, and the young men who served as waiters.

It was an inspiring evening, one that highlighted the role of a shul as a makom of Torah and Chesed in the lives of its members, leaving the attendees proud to be part of such a beautiful kehillah.


(L-R) KAYTT President R' Yosef Muller, Rabbi Dovid Heber, Rabbi Yehuda Prero, seated: Dr. Sol Langerman (Photo Credit: Binyamin Ansbacher)