BDE: Shimon Kamenezky, z’l [Updated as of Tuesday, March 25 @ 5:55PM]

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 03/25/25

Baltimore, MD – Mar. 24, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Shimon Kamenezky, z’l, brother of Moty (Dena) Kamenezky.

The Kevura will take palce at 11:00AM in the Petach Tikva Segula cemetery.

Shiva will be observed in Eretz Yisrael at 3 Rechov Pardo (Brand) Bnei Brak  011.972.3.618.4742

Plans are to complete the Shiva in Baltimore, details to follow

Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…