BDE: Rabbi David Frid, z’l

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 03/27/25

Baltimore, MD – Mar. 22, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Rabbi David Frid, z’l, husband of Rachel Frid (née Reich), father of Nechama Markovich, Zevi Frid, Aharon Frid, Malki Heshin, Tzachi Frid, Moshe Frid, Miri Margol, and Avi Frid and brother of Cathy (Yankie) Dinovitz,  Arlene Gittelson, and Janet Goldberg.

The levayah will take place Sunday morning at Shamgar (Jerusalem) at 11:30AM

Shiva will be observed in:


Maalot Kedushei Telz 7, Telstone, Jeruslaem

011.972. 54-846-5323


Cathy Dinovitz  443-255-7621 and Arlene Gittelson 443-435-9007  will observe shiva at  3213 Fallstaff Road, Baltimore, MD

Strict visiting hours: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM  Sunday-Thursday

Janet Goldberg will observe Shiva
1260 NE 175th Street, North Miami Beach, FL (786-527-5592) 

Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…