Posted on 03/13/25
Baltimore, MD - March 13, 2025 - What an incredible month for the talmidim, rebbeim, and parents of Yeshivas Mekor Chaim (YMC)! Earlier this month, YMC participated in its first-ever Crowdsource fundraising campaign. With a goal of $120,000, the boys created individual and grade-level teams to help their school raise funds in its first-ever, exhilarating campaign. The level of commitment was inspiring. After a two day-call center and week-long campaign effort, the yeshiva reached and exceeded its goal with the help of numerous community contributions and the generosity of our campaign matchers. Rewarded with pizza lunches and YMC branded ski beanies, the boys enjoyed a celebratory ski trip to Liberty Mountain Resort as a recognition of their efforts.
As always, YMC strives to infuse Torah and spirituality into every school endeavor. On Thursday, March 6, ז’ אדר, the yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, the yeshiva culminated the campaign effort with a Mega Mishmar evening of learning, held in the new SOTC social hall. Participants of the Mega Mishmar learning event, which included YMC talmidim, rebbeim, fathers, and grandfathers, were mesayim Maseches Megilla, while additional community members joined the exuberant learning by studying a topic of their own choosing. The energy was palpable. Tables were set with YMC branded folders, pens and water bottles. Each talmid and his chavrusa received an individually curated portion of the masechta to study. The hum of learning could be heard throughout the room, as each chavrusa strived to finish their portion so that the collective group could be mesayaim by the end of the evening. After words of Divrei Bracha from Rabbi Shmuel Silber, YMC Dean, and a Dvar Torah from YMC senior Yaakov Meister, Sruli Levin, a 9th grade talmid, was mesayaim, while Yitzi Weiner, an 11the grade talmid, recited the hadran with great excitement and a sense of fulfillment. The group joyously broke out into song and dance led by the musical accompaniment of Eli Cohen, Moshe Abramson, Dovi Ziffer and Zevi Daniel. YMC’s own Moshe Reitberger played guitar alongside the melodious group. After enjoying a delicious Knish Shop Erev Shabbos Toameha spread, the boys, fathers, and rebbeim spent the evening dancing joyously in celebration of this incredible learning effort. The evening concluded with inspiring words from Rabbi Uri Grosberg, YMC Menahel, and a soulful kumzitz enjoyed by all attendees.
A special thank you to YMC Executive Director Mrs. Rivki Fialkoff, the YMC Rebbeim who worked tirelessly to coordinate the learning for the Mega Mishmar event, and the dedicated team of parent volunteers who made the evening an incredible success.