Posted on 03/04/25
Baltimore, MD - March 4, 2025 - The Association of Jewish Day Schools of Baltimore hosted an evening of "Chizzuk for Chinuch" this past Motzaei Shabbos at the M. Leo Storch Bais Yaakov High School Auditorium. All educators in each local Orthodox day school joined to hear words of encouragement and enjoy a gala Melava Malka in their honor, beautifully catered by YEvents.
The women heard words from Mrs. Yael Kaisman, and the men networked by grade level, sharing animated discussions around chinuch topics. During the Melava Malka, they were privileged to hear from Rabbi Nechemia Grama from Lakewood, NJ, who shared his experience and training on the importance of connecting with our students through love and discipline. It was an exquisite evening for all.