An Unforgettable Weekend with Mesivta Shaarei Chaim

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 01/29/25

Baltimore, MD  - Jan. 29, 2025  - Although the Mesivta is in high gear getting our new campus ready for move-in, some things just cannot be pushed off. Our annual special getaway, “Shabbos Chizuk,” is one of them. So, this past Thursday we braved the sub-freezing temperatures and travelled in style to the magnificent, snow covered, Aishel HaTorah Retreat Center in New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania. This once-a-year event serves as an opportunity for much of our Rabbeim, staff, and others involved with the Mesivta to spend an extended weekend together with the Talmidim.

We departed after a morning of learning, arriving just in time for a BBQ supper and settling in with personalized welcome packets. Following Maariv and night seder we gathered in the spacious dining room for cholent, sushi and some terrific programming run by our indefatigable Rav Yisrael Meir Lebovits shlit”a. The rest of the retreat’s activities continued with the davening, learning, and inspiration coupled with excitement, relaxation, and camaraderie. Shabbos was definitely a highlight, with beautiful zemiros and Divrei Torah shared by Rabbeim and Bachurim alike during the delicious seudos. The spectacular weekend was capped off with dancing, a snow tubing trip, and hot Melave Malka. Everyone left, wishing the magic would never end.

While the Shaarei Chaim hanhala, Rabbeim and talmidim all left exhilarated, their spirits were lifted further by the beautiful words of praise received from the manager of Aishel: “As a place that sees dozens of Yeshivas of all stripes, up close and involved, we can say with certainty that Mesivta Shaarei Chaim was exceptional.  From the Rebbeim to the bachurim, you were humble and focused; Yiray Shamaim who are also real menchen.” We hope that next year’s Shabbos Chizuk can be celebrated in Yerushalayim ha’benuya, bh”v.