Small Signs, Big Impact: A Motzei Shabbos Story of Torah, Hostages, and Hope

By BJLife/Rabbi Moshe Dov Heber
Posted on 01/28/25

It was a typical winter Motzei Shabbos, and R' Shuly Lieber was learning at a Motzei Shabbos learning program with his son Ari. The learning had been going well as they reviewed sugyos in Perek Hakones in preparation for the upcoming test on Sunday. They had made it through half of the material when the speaker of the evening began, followed by the raffles. It seemed like the learning was winding down for the evening, and Ari, eager to head home, suggested they leave after the raffles.

As the raffles were being drawn, Ari turned to his father and asked, “What happened in Eretz Yisroel over Shabbos?” It was an unusual timing for that question, thereby catching R' Shuly a bit off guard. R' Shuly responded, “It seems there were negotiations going on between Hamas and Israel, but the names of the hostages hadn’t been released yet, and it seems very complex.”

He then added, “Would you stay for a few more minutes after the raffles to learn some more, as a zechus for the hostages?” Ari thought for a moment and then replied, “Okay, but only until here,” pointing to a midpoint in the Gemara.

They began learning again in the now quiet and almost empty beis medrash. They were learning the story of Eliezer Z’ira, who was criticized for being a show-off because he was mourning the destruction of Yerushalayim (as found in the Gemara, Bava Kamma 59a). The Resh Gelusa had him imprisoned, but the Gemara presents a back-and-forth discussion showing how Eliezer Z'ira ultimately proved that he was truly a great man.

As the Liebers read through the Gemara and reached the conclusion of the story, they arrived at the point where Ari had said they would stop for the evening. Ari read the words, "v’shavkuhu"—"and they let him go," indicating that he was released from imprisonment. Ari was stunned. In that moment, he felt a deep sense of connection, as if Hashem was speaking directly to him. "Ari," he thought, "your words, each and every word, make a difference. Because of you, and all those who are doing so much good, I will let them go free!" It was as if the learning had become a direct zechus for the hostages, and Ari felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility and hope.

I heard this powerful story this past Friday, as Ari, my talmid, shared it with the class, teaching them an unforgettable lesson: each word of Torah and tefillah truly makes a difference. His words resonated deeply, reminding us all of the impact we can have, even in moments of challenge. With heartfelt hope, we daven that soon, all the hostages will be free!

Rabbi Moshe Dov Heber is a rebbe at Yeshiva K'tana of Waterbury and a division head in  Camp Romimu. He is a writer and public speaker, focusing on topics related to inspiration and education. Rabbi Heber could be reached via email