Cheder Chabad Students Create Meaningful Impact through Lulav Campaign, Caring for Fellow Jews

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 11/03/24

Baltimore, MD  - Nov. 3, 2024 - Students of Cheder Chabad are constantly taught about the need to care for another Yid. Be it their classmate or someone they have never met, students are  taught to find ways to provide another Jew the opportunity to grow in his or her connection to Hashem.

The very first Mitzvah campaign launched by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Ob"m, was the Lulav Campaign in 1953. The goal was to encourage Jews to participate in this Mitzva. Students at Cheder Chabad were given the opportunity to purchase a 4 minim set at a discounted rate provided they committed to use it to shake them with other Jews as well.

Over Sukkos, many students provided the opportunity to friends, neighbors, or even people they encountered for the first time to shake the 4 minim. Over 2000 Jews across the state and beyond were impacted!