Star-K Sukkos Resources

Posted on 10/15/24

The STAR-K site offers helpful information related to the halachos of schach mats, certified schach manufacturers and local establishments that have a sukkah on their premises. Links to these are articles, podcasts and webinars are provided below for your convenience.

Local Establishments

The following are STAR-K certified restaurants and facilities in the Baltimore area that have sukkahs available for their customers:

Schach-Related Articles, Podcasts and Webinars

Kosher Certified Schach Manufacturers

Guide to STAR-K Certified Schach – HaRav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a (August 2013)

Undercover: The Halachos of Schach – HaRav Moshe Heinemann shlit”a (Fall 2009)

Podcast: Arba Minim with HaRav Mordechai Frankel

Audio Recording of Shiur on Schach Mats by Rabbi Zvi Goldberg

Webinar: Halachos of Sukkah Mats

Webinar: Sukkahs-To-Go and Schach Mats – with Rabbi Zvi Goldberg and Rabbi Boruch Beyer (Sept 2019)

Proper Schach Storage

General Sukkos-Related Information

Q&A: Eating in a Canvas Sukkah That Sways in the Wind – HaRav Mordechai Frankel (Fall 2010)

Yamim Noraim & Sukkos Video Channel