An Inspiring Start to the Year at Yeshivas Toras Simcha

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 09/28/24

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 28, 2024 - B"H, the school year at Yeshivas Toras Simcha has begun on an incredible note, with all Bochurim showing growth in both davening and learning.

We had the great Zechus of hearing from HaRav Moshe Heinemann, shlita, Rov of Agudas Yisroel of Baltimore, who addressed our older boys in grades 5-8. He eloquently explained to these budding Talmidei Chochomim that while building the 3rd Beis Hamikdash is vital, the importance of learning Torah surpasses it, as they will continue learning even during the construction of the Beis Hamikdash.

HaRav Heinemann shakes hands with the Nursery boys

HaRav Heinemann speaks in the Beis Medresh to the 5th-8th grade bochurim

HaRav Heinemann greets Yehuda Frieman 6th grade, with Yacov Newmark 7th grade, waiting in line

HaRav Heinemann meets 7th grader Boruch Naftali Tessler