Posted on 08/08/24
Jerusalem, Israel - Aug. 8, 2024 - Wednesday evening, July 10, '24, I volunteered at a military base for a performance of magic, stand-up comedy, and balloons for all.
The local kindness organization in my town did a barbecue for about 60 soldiers at a small base which is 20 minutes from our home, in the hills leading up to Jerusalem. This was a nice setup. The gig was basically lots of banter and comedy, getting really good laughs and smiles. I performed my classic sponge ball and purse frame routine using two soldiers, a man and a woman. I then performed how to detect if an American $1 bill is a forgery or not, using a silk streamer and funny lines that get laughs about knocking the wig off George Washington's head. I concluded by sharing my all-time favorite Whit Hayden comedy four linking ring routine with a male and female soldier. Throughout, I twisted balloon shapes, and after my performance, they cranked up their music. I went to each soldier, making helmets, flowers, birds, scepters, etc., from twisted balloons to great fanfare. It is very special how appreciative each and every one of these people are, and when you think that most are younger than my children, and some maybe sporting the latest weapons, including under-barrel grenade launchers, it snaps you further to reality because we truly are One Nation.
There is a palpable and pulsating greatness to our forces, which represent the diaspora from around the globe and homegrown. There was Russian, Amharic, Spanish, English, and most of all, Hebrew spoken—the language in which I made my performance. While making balloons after my set, the soldiers enjoyed music and more food. I asked if anyone had a young child at home. A tall soldier, I believe named Uri, smiled broadly while many pointed at him. He has a 5-month-old at home. As I sculpted for him from a single balloon a child in its father's arms, he and the others were thrilled and cheered as I stood upon a chair so all could see more easily. Then I handed it over to this new dad with my blessings to raise his new son with joy and in good health.
You say to me, “One nation?! What about all the street protests against PM Netanyahu, what about the marches of multiple days culminating in front of government offices, the home of the Prime Minister, blocking traffic on the major highways leading to Jerusalem and in Tel Aviv? Many are parents of captives. We see in the Western Press bonfires of protest in Tel Aviv and elsewhere. What kind of one nation?” And I say to you, yes, one nation. Think about this. Only a heartless person would not recognize the unfathomable pain of those with loved ones killed, unaccounted for, or known to be captives. Nonetheless, we are 9 million Israeli citizens, including 2 million Muslims and a small percentage of other Gentiles. Let’s give the Israeli and Western Press the full number they claimed at past protests, 100,000 people. The most prominent anti-Israel Arab Press claims another third higher, the same press that employs terrorists and whose employees hold captives. Let’s use that 100k figure. That is 1.111 percent of the population. The majority of Israelis with friends, neighbors, and loved ones killed, unaccounted for, or known to be captives also bear unfathomable pain. Some are my neighbors and friends; some are family of my neighbors and friends; many I have heard speak, some on a weekly basis. They support the government and do so because they do not want to “accept any hostage deal at any price,” as the ones making noise in protests shout they want. What does that even mean? Let Hamas dictate they will do again what they say, and did, which is any nursery school, any innocent Israeli is once again a target for torture, slaughter, rape, and captivity? There are always dissenters. If you are American reading this, remember Madison Square Garden and the Bund rallies.
To conclude, a husband, wife, and their grown son came from Miami, Florida, and they donated the whole BBQ event plus an air conditioner for one of the base buildings. It is always special when visitors arrive, Gentiles of course too, because they want to be a part of what is going on. One Nation. This event was arranged by a new friend who works tirelessly to put these connections together as a volunteer, all while being a busy attorney. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.