Posted on 07/23/24
Today is Shiva Asar B'Tammuz, the 17th of Tammuz, which marks the first day of The Three Week's period, leading up to Tisha Be'av. Of the 5 calamities recorded on this day, the first on the list is the "breaking of the Luchos."
When Moshe Rabbeinu was on his way down the Mountain, he saw the people dancing around the Golden Calf. He threw the Luchos to the ground and they shattered.
Rav Hirsch zt"l, in his collected writings, discusses that during this period of time, it is our job and duty to pick up those shards!
It is our job and duty to pick up the broken pieces and build something with them.
When a child makes a mess, a parent says, "Ok, sweetie. Now it's time to pick up all the pieces."
During The Three Week's, Hashem, our loving Av/Father, is telling us, "My children, it's now time to pick up all the pieces."
It is our job and duty to make the world a better place, one shard/piece/mitzvah/opportunity/bracha/etc. at a time.
We pray and hope for the rebuilding of Bayis Shlishi.
Hashem, please... It is time.