Hamas Waiting For Israel's Response To Ceasefire Offer

By Arutz-7
Posted on 07/06/24 | News Source: Arutz-7

A senior Hamas terrorist has said that in the amended proposal for a ceasefire-prisoner swap deal, the discussions on releasing hostages, including soldiers, will begin only 16 days after the first stage of the deal is carried out.

Earlier reports had said that the first stage of the deal includes the release of 32 "humanitarian" hostages: female soldiers, women, the Bibas children, the ailing, and the elderly. Some of these are no longer alive, and their bodies will be returned during the first stage of the deal.

However, according to the terrorist, the negotiators will ensure a temporary ceasefire agreement, the transfer of aid, and the withdrawal of IDF forces from Gaza, and parallel to this, there will be indirect negotiations regarding the second stage of the agreement. The release of the hostages will take place before the end of the fifth week of the second stage of the deal.

On Friday, Mossad chief David Barnea held talks on the proposal in Qatar. According to media reports, Hamas' response shows progress, but there are still issues which may present significant obstacles to reaching a deal.

Osama Hamdan, one of Hamas' leaders, said that the terror group is waiting for Israel's reply to the proposal which it submitted on Saturday, and that it would not provide details on the content of the proposal before receiving Israel's response to it.