Second Pulse Of Israel Conference In Jerusalem (Photo Essay)

By BJLIfe/Sharon Altshul
Posted on 07/02/24

Jerusalem, Israel - Jul 2, 2024  - Over 2,000 people attended the second annual Pulse of Israel Conference, “What’s Next For Israel" in person and via livestream - to learn about key issues in the future for Israel. The event at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, Israel, featured a roster of international experts who explored Israel’s most pressing issues. Among the topics were the the future of Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, Israel’s approach to Iran, its relationship with the United States, Israel’s justice system, and the alarming escalation of antisemitism around the globe.

Speakers in person and on video included Pulse of Israel CEO Avi Abelow; Minister of Diaspora Affairs Amichai Chikli; Members of Knesset Simcha Rotman and Dan Ilouz; Len Khodorkovsky, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Digital Strategy, Senior Advisor to the US Special Representative for Iran; Brig. Gen. (Res.) Amir Avivi, Founder and Chairman of IDSF; Middle East journalist Caroline Glick; Kenneth Abramowitz, Founder and President of; and Shay Kallach, a former combat pilot in the Israeli Air Force and Founder and Chairman of Netsach Yisrael.

Abelow opened the conference with an emotional address, calling for the safety of IDF soldiers - including two of his sons, the return of the hostages, and a complete victory over Hamas. He called on Israel to ensure its security by reclaiming Gaza, which Israel unilaterally surrendered in 2005. Saying Jews have a long history of living in Gaza, “There is proof that rabbis lived in Gaza as far back as 508 CE - a remnant of a synagogue from there which can be seen at the Inn of the Good Samaritan. There is no other realistic solution for Gaza than to resettle it with Jews.”.

In a video message, Mike Johnson, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, recalled his first trip to Israel this past year, calling it “life-changing” and “an invaluable resource… to see it with our own eyes and share our experience with our colleagues.” Speaker Johnson called for an end to funding for organizations that spread antisemitism. “It is a priority for leaders in the US Congress to speak with clarity and conviction against antisemitism. To know that even one cent of taxpayer dollars is funding antisemitic materials is unacceptable,” he said, calling on the US to defund UNWRA for this reason.

Actor Michael Rapaport was recognized with Pulse of Israel’s Brave Leadership of Zion Award for his outspoken pro-Israel activism on social media. “This is my fourth time in Israel since November 2023 - before that trip, I had never been here. There has been so much suffering since October 7 - now 268 days - and I pray every single day for the release of the hostages, the safety of our soldiers, for the people getting lambasted every day,” the actor said. “Along the way, I have met so many inspiring people, incredibly brave soldiers, and amazing families. It feels like home - I feel so comfortable here. Never doubt your Judaism… Stick together. Be together. Am Yisrael Chai!”

Journalist and political analyst Caroline Glick spoke of the “volcanic eruption of antisemitism in the West” and the explosion of anti-Zionist policies, which no longer makes this an Arab-Israeli conflict but a world conflict. “The emergence of world bodies, such as the ICC, ICJ, and the UN, and the rise of unelected, undemocratic leaders who are increasingly hostile to Israel leaves Israel unable to do anything against these organizations, who only become more hostile towards the Jewish state no matter what they do.”

Iran expert Len Khodorkovsky in conversation with Alex Traiman, called Iran Israel’s “first and foremost external threat” and said that Iran’s firing on Israel in April “crossed a red line.” Having 80,000 people displaced from their homes is “untenable” and “a de facto victory for Iran” if they are unable to return to their homes. “This would create a smaller state and concentrate the population to the center of the country.” He talked about the need for Israel to develop Iran’s strategy and not “manage Iran without an end-game.”  Its pre-October 7 strategy of sporadic activity is not an option. Israel must go harder against Iran’s proxies so Iran will be unable to use its proxies to fight against Israel. Winning in Gaza will help mitigate its threat.”

Khodorkovsky faulted the Biden administration policies with helping strengthen Iran, which in turn strengthened Iran’s proxies. “Biden pivoted 180 degrees on Israel - and meddled with Israel’s internal politics. This is diplomatic malpractice.” Our policy on Iran under Trump weakened Iran back to 1979 - when Trump left office, the Iranian economy was in shambles, unable to support its proxies. The Abraham Accords benefitted Israel and its neighbors and built a future for Jews and Arabs in the region. Israel needs a decisive victory so that its Abraham Accords partners continue to believe in a strong Israel,” Khodorkovsky said. 

Internal threats and external threats, no one to talk to at the ICC, and the UN hostile to a Jewish state, so what's next? 

In his opening remarks Avi Abelow quoted Ben Gurion, "In Israel to be a realist, one must believe in miracles."