Tzemach David Foundation Awards In Jerusalem (Photo Essay)

By BJLIfe/Sharon Altshul
Posted on 06/27/24

Jerusalem, Israel - June 27, 2024  - The Tzemach David Foundation presented its first awards to outstanding teachers on Wednesday evening in the gardens of the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem, Israel.

Transforming education in Israel, starting with a focus on integrating Olim into the education system and creating a meaningful impact through Zionism, leadership, and innovation are the stated goals of The Tzemach David Foundation.

The organization was founded in 2022, with Tamar Krieger, an international educational consultant, curriculum designer, technology specialist, and leadership trainer serving as Executive Director. 

In Israel, for the occasion, was David Magerman, the founder and President of Tzemach David. Through his foundations, Magerman has supported Jewish education in his hometown of Philadelphia, the United States, and Israel since 2009. 

Magerman was pleased to greet Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, Rosh Yeshiva of Lev Academic Center (JCT), Founder and Chairman of Sulamot, and Rabbi in Alon Shvut Bet to be the featured speaker. Rav Rimon emphasized in his remarks the need to teach with new methods to this generation of students with much shorter attention spans than in the past. New teaching tools are needed and teachers are to be lauded. 

Tzemach David in their research process included over 100 meetings with individuals from diverse backgrounds to understand the fundamental issues facing Israeli education and its challenges. 

It was decided that the initial focus was to center on the Anglo-Olim, their experience, and the Mamlachti Dati system. From these experiences, they plan to expand and conduct additional research and broaden the scope of the foundation's goals.

Recognizing the unique needs of Olim, to provide targeted resources, support, and programs to facilitate their smooth integration into schools and together, build an education system that prepares students to be leaders, enhances Zionism, fosters unity, and prepares all students, including olim, for a successful future. 

In his opening remarks, Magerman mentioned how he has funded Jewish education in the US, but decided it was time to support education in Israel and be a catalyst for change, empowering learners, supporting principals, and innovating teachers to drive educational excellence.

There is a shortage of teachers in Israel, with about a third leaving teaching after 3-7 years, compounded by a third fewer people not entering the teaching workforce after COVID.

The Tzemach David Prize is a 25,000 shekel unrestricted cash prize awarded annually, to a maximum of seven educators or teams of educators in the Mamlachti Dati system who demonstrate extraordinary accomplishment in one of seven core elements of innovative Jewish education:

The winners of this year's competition:
In the category of excellence in leadership development - Ilana Azoulai of Talmud Torah Mitzpe Jericho
The category of excellence in interdisciplinary integration - Yifat Amakias from Ulpana Hadera.
In the category of excellence in learning by innovation and developing reality - Tehila Yitzhakhi from Pisgat David.
In the category of excellence in a learning environment, Rachel Cohen from Mehmed Meron
In the category of excellence in integrated teaching - Sagit Sarosi from the Netaiim Technical School
In the category of excellence in developing critical and/or creative thinking - Rivka Rabinovits from Ulpana Alma