Jewish Educational Services Cohort Helps New Teachers Succeed

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 06/26/24

Baltimore, MD - June 26, 2024  - Your heart is pounding, and your palms are sweaty. You know the danger ahead and you’ve prepared as best as you can. You grab your bag, straighten your back, take a deep breath, and enter. You’re a brand-new teacher and it’s your first day of school. You’re feeling anxious and unsure of what’s to come.

At Jewish Educational Services, the New Teacher Cohort (NTC) strives to alleviate those feelings by providing coaching and peer support and much more. Research shows that teachers who receive coaching and support are reflective, make better use of feedback and are more effective in the classrooms which has a direct impact on their students having better learning experiences and outcomes. Most importantly, they are also more likely to stay in teaching.   

Beginning with two back-to-school workshops in August, the cohort of twelve teachers from five community day schools, participated in monthly meetings, where topics such as Systems and Routines, Effective Parent Communication, Lesson Planning and Developing Outcomes were covered. The cohort provided an opportunity for new teachers to learn pedagogical concepts from two expert presenters, Mrs. Chaya Tropper, and Mrs. Yael Zelinger, both JES staffers. In addition, the new teachers appreciated hearing from their peers and sharing both successes and challenges. One of the participants expressed, “Having a space to assess how my teaching is going and learning how to improve” was a big benefit of the cohort.  Another said, “The cohort has helped foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.”

Creating, Reflecting and Sharing were the themes of the final New Teacher Cohort session held in early June. Using a wide variety of materials, teachers created collages, models, wordles and illustrations to reflect on their teaching journey this year. A common thread was the overall feeling of satisfaction and excitement to do it all again next year. 

One participant summed it up best, “In this cohort, teachers have a safe space to discuss their triumphs and struggles without fear of judgment. They celebrate each other's successes and brainstorm solutions to common problems. As a result, they grow professionally and personally, developing strong bonds that extend beyond the classroom.”

JES is pleased to offer NTC 2024-2025 for new teachers in the first or second year of teaching. For more information about what this program can offer you please contact Faye Friedman at