Bibas Family Member To Trump: Take Shackles Off Israel So It Can Win, Bring Back Hostages

By Arutz-7
Posted on 06/22/24 | News Source: Arutz-7

Attorney Marc Zell, Chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel, published an open letter to former US President Donald Trump from a member of the Bibas family, who were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and continue to be held in Gaza.

The letter by Yossi Shnaider begins, "I am writing on behalf of myself and my family, the Bibas family, who were kidnapped by Hamas and are currently being held hostage in Gaza."

"On Oct 7th, during the horrific attack on Israel, Hamas terrorists murdered my Aunt Margit and Uncle Yossi Silberman. The IDF recovered their bodies two weeks later," he said.

Shnaider continued, "Hamas terrorists also kidnapped their daughter, my cousin Shiri Bibas, from her home in the Nir Oz Kibbutz, along with her entire family; her husband Yarden, and their two small children - 4 -year-old Ariel, and her8.5 Months baby Kfir, who had very his first birthday while in captivity And today he has spent half his life in a dark tunnel underground."

"They have been held hostage by Hamas in Gaza for 8 months now. This is a war crime, and the lack of outrage from the world is deafening. For the first time in modern history, children including a baby were kidnapped as a bargaining chip in war This is contrary to all laws," he said.

"There is an extreme urgency to bring them home. But the only way for Israel to do that is to make Hamas get down on its knees and beg us to stop and end their terrorist tyranny.

He told the former and prospective future President, "Reliable support from our greatest ally is critical. Yet pauses, negotiations and erratic messaging is not the way to achieve victory. The pressure and policies from the Biden admin. have created numerous obstacles, and hampered the IDF's ability to operate, and conduct military actions in the resolute and uncompromising manner necessary."

"Sir, take the shackles off. We are under attack from Hezbollah at our Northern border, acting in lockstep with Hamas, under the order of the Iranian regime," he asked Trump.

"I greatly appreciate all that you do, and look forward to your support in helping Israel finally finish the job, and achieve the safe return of my family and all of our hostages to their homes," the letter concluded.