'Hamas Is Emboldened': Pro-Israel Congressman Calls Out Netanyahu

By Arutz-7
Posted on 06/19/24 | News Source: Arutz-7

Pro-Israel Democratic Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) voiced rare criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday after the latter published a video in which he accused the US of withholding arms from Israel, a claim which the White House has denied.

"If you are looking to undermine the bipartisanship of the US-Israel relationship, then release a public video attacking the Biden Administration, which, despite hysterical opposition from the far left, has held firm in support of Israel for eight months and counting," Torres wrote.

He continued: "Disagreements should be had in private. Hamas is emboldened by even the appearance of a ruptured relationship.

"I call out my own country, the US, when it fails to keep its differences with Israel private. I will do the same to Israel when it fails to keep its differences with the US private."

The Congressman added: "I have been consistent in calling out both sides, whether people like it or not.

"No good will ever come from the airing of dirty laundry from either side of the relationship. In the present conflict, the only beneficiary of a ruptured relationship is Hamas," he concluded.