Baltimore Community Inspired by Mir Yerushalayim Community Shabbos (Photo Essay)

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 06/16/24

Baltimore, MD - June 15, 2024  - Two of the Yeshiva’s eminent Rabbeim – Harav Hagaon Yosef Elefant, Shlita and Harav Hagaon Yitzchok Caplan, Shlita – spent Shabbos Parshas Bechukosai in Baltimore, where they visited shuls and delivered words of chizuk in various neighborhoods across the city, reflecting on the timely themes of Ameilus B’torah, Kiyum Hamitzvos, and preparing for a meaningful Shavuos.   

Rav Elefant spoke after Mincha on Friday evening at Kehillas Ohr Yisrael and after Kabolas Shabbos at Kehilath B'nai Torah. Following the seuda, he led an Oneg Shabbos at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Rosen. On Shabbos morning, he spoke after Shacharis at Kehillas Derech Chaim, and after Mussaf at Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah. He delivered Divrei Chizuk for both men and women on Shabbos afternoon at Congregation Kol Torah, and spoke at Shearith Israel before Maariv. 

Rav Caplan spoke following Kabolas Shabbos at Agudath Israel of Park Heights, after Shabbos morning Shacharis at Kehilas Bnei Yeshiva, and after Mussaf at Bais Haknesses Ohr Hachaim. Before Maariv, he presented Divrei Halacha at Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek.

The memorable Shabbos culminated in a beautiful Alumni Melave Malka on Motzei Shabbos at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Loeb, graced with the presence of both Rabbeim. 

The Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon Harav Nachman Levovitz Shlita arrived on Sunday and met with alumni and friends in anticipation of the Annual Benefit Reception on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Dov Ocken. The Rosh Yeshiva's inspiring presence and captivating Divrei Torah enhanced the event.  Rav Yaakov Frand, a rebbi at Mesivta Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim and an esteemed Mir talmid, served as the Guest Speaker, expressing his delight at the opportunity to honor the Yeshiva by representing the Baltimore alumni contingent.  

The entire Baltimore community received tremendous chizuk and warmth from this much-anticipated visit.

Mir Alumni Melava Malka

Mir Parlor