Posted on 06/10/24
Baltimore, MD - June 10, 2024: Dear Members, Friends and Supporters of the Agudah,
We are writing with exciting news that we would like to share with you about the Agudah.
Under the guidance of our Rov Rabbi Moshe Heinemann שליט״א, a building committee was formed and has worked diligently over the past fifteen months to review options and work with professionals to solve the problems concerning the rapid deterioration of our current building.
The Rov שליט״א stressed during our meetings that it is an ענין of כבוד שמים to have a proper Shul and Bais Medrash in which to daven and learn. As many families move into our neighborhood, it is necessary to service and meet the needs of our growing community by replacing the current building. We have therefore, with the encouragement of our Rov, taken the initiative to spearhead the building of a new home for the Agudath Yisroel of Park Heights. A new up-to-date מקום תורה would be more conducive, appealing and comfortable for people to come for Davening and Learning.
In June of 2023,we entered into contract with BF Design, an architecture firm in Lakewood to design a building that would best serve our and the community’s needs. After numerous revisions to find the best layout, we now hold a preliminary set of plans for our new building.
This building is mostly on ground level and will בע״ה contain:
· 3 primary and 2 auxiliary מדרשים בתי for Davening and Learning
· Expanded אוצר ספרים as well as a Book Library.
· Large Attractive Social Hall to accommodate simchos
· Shaimos processing center
· Balcony Ezras Nashim – carefully designed so that women can easily hear and see
· Ground level Ezras Nashim
· Keilim Mikvah
· Proper offices to serve the Rav, Meshulachim and others.
This plan would more than double our parking capacity, as well as create access from both Park Heights Avenue and Pinkney Road.
Our commitment is real. Aside from a set of conceptual plans, We have also:
· Retained a Civil Engineering firm to review our zoning requirements as well as design the site which includes parking and storm water management. We now have a fully worked out SWM design.
· Retained a design firm to advise and design the aesthetic components of the project, both interior and exterior. Their work is ongoing.
· Had our Pre-development meeting with the Baltimore City Planning Division, for them to review and comment on our plans. The project was well received, and ב״ה the meeting was a success!
· Had a preliminary meeting with a potential builder to guide us on construction details and cost.
· Have preliminary plans for a temporary facility for us to use during construction.
Our next step is the Design Development phase where we engage various engineers and planners to develop a detailed set of construction drawings. We are moving full steam ahead and expect בע״ה to be ready to apply for building permits this Fall.
As with every project our success depends on you, our mispallim, our friends, and our supporters and a “hefty” dose of סיעתא דשמיא. We hope everyone will join us in this endeavor to enhance our מקום תורה and תפילה to be לשם ולתפארת. We hope בעזרת השם to continue to update you as we proceed. Please be on the lookout over the next few weeks for our campaign materials as we formally launch our fundraising campaign.
We are here and committed to answering any questions regarding this project, so please feel free to contact us at with any questions you may have as we move forward into finalizing our plans, engineering, and fundraising.
בברכת כל טוב
Yaakov Lieder and Tony Goldenberg on behalf of the Building Committee