'Malicious Lies': Netanyahu Denounces Rumors Of Pancreatic Cancer

By Arutz-7
Posted on 06/05/24 | News Source: Arutz-7

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu filed a libel lawsuit today (Wednesday) against journalists Ben Caspit and Uri Misgav, as well as against political activist Attorney Gonen Ben-Itzhak.

In the statement of claim, Netanyahu officially denied the reports circulated online that he is suffering from pancreatic cancer.

"In the last few weeks, and especially in recent days, the defendants have begun to spread false and malicious information against the Prime Minister, which involves presenting false representations about his health status," Netanyahu wrote in the statement of claim.

He accused that the rumors were spread "while spreading the most malicious, wicked, and serious lies, which include factual determinations such as: The Prime Minister has pancreatic cancer, is unfit, and more. Things that are lies and fabrications."

"The Prime Minister is a perfectly healthy man for his age. The malicious and despicable publications made by the defendants are an absolute lie," the statement said.

The lawsuit against Ben Yitzhak was filed after he tweeted a few weeks ago: "Recently, rumors about your health have spread. Following your visit yesterday to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital, I received information that you were treated for pancreatic cancer that you contracted."

The lawsuit against Misgav was filed due to several publications against Netanyahu. Among other things, Misgav published about Netanyahu's visits to hospitals, "The defendant does not shy away from any means while his goal is also to malign, humiliate, harm, and disgrace the Prime Minister, all of this is done with the intent to harm and out of what was done, in the most vile way, allegedly involving the Prime Minister's health."

The lawsuit against Caspit was filed due to "an article in the Ma'ariv newspaper, in which he concocted a story out of thin air, intending to spread hatred and libel, all with the intent to harm."