'There Won't Be A Deal' - The Difficult Conversation Between Hostage Families And NSC Chief

By Arutz-7
Posted on 05/30/24 | News Source: Arutz-7

Israeli National Security Council Director Tzachi Hanegbi met on Thursday with family members of hostages in Gaza and a difficult conversation between the sides ensued.

Channel 12 reported that Hanegbi told the families that "we'll manage to obtain the first step of the deal (the humanitarian part) within a few short months. It won't take months or years. If the hostages won't return in a few weeks or months, we don't have a plan up our sleeve. We will continue fighting in Gaza and the north, and we'll just assess the situation.

"I don't believe this government will complete the entire deal. This government will not decide to end the war in return for all the hostages. We must continue to fight so there won't be another October 7th, 2027," he added.

One of the participants criticized the Prime Minister during the meeting: "During a war, you don't get money to build a swimming pool."

Hanegbi angrily answered: "He can build ten swimming pools with his money. These are disgusting remarks. They have no place during these meetings. There's no place to hate and grieve like that."

The participant responded: "I have all the room to grieve and to hate because I was in the shelter for 15 hours, I escaped terrorists and I stepped over bodies and you didn't." Hanegbi retorted: "OK, so curse me." The participant burst into tears and left the room.

Another participant was enraged by the conduct and intended to leave the room as well. Hanegbi remarked: "Are you also going to make drama and slam the door behind you?"

A comment on the report on behalf of the National Security Council Director: "The National Security Council Director met with each family of the hostages who wished to meet him since the war began. The National Security Council Director does not record these meetings and does not publicize their content. This is the proper way to have an open dialogue and that is how it is between the political echelon and the grieving families. I will not deviate from this practice, even after this meeting. Israel is obligated to bring to the release of the hostage, and that is what we will do."