Revealed: Hamas Robbed Gaza Bank To Fund Fighting Against Israel

By Arutz-7
Posted on 05/29/24 | News Source: Arutz-7

IDF Arabic spokesman Avichay Adraee on Wednesday evening revealed a document written by a senior Hamas terrorist documenting the fact that the terror group robbed a Gaza bank in order to fund the fighting against Israel.

According to the document, the war brought Hamas severe financial difficulties. For this reason, armed terrorists broke into branches of the Falestine bank in Gaza, stealing over 400 million NIS.

"At the beginning of February, Hamas strongmen threatened the staff of the Falestine bank in the Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, telling them to remove the cash from the bank's ATMs, and on April 16, they stole hundreds of millions of shekels from the branch. Two days later, they broke into another branch in Gaza Ccity, stealing tens of millions of shekels. On April 19, the terrorists carried out another robbery, at the Gaza City's main branch, stealing hundreds of millions of shekels," Adraee wrote.

"What will the residents of Gaza think, when they see they are becoming poorer from day to day because of the bloody adventures of these baby-murdering tyrants?" he asked.

"Hamas is stealing from the civilians in the Gaza Strip in order to fund its own survival, with absolutely no shame, and is funding its terror activities at the expense and out of the pockets of the Strip's residents," Adraee stressed.