Memorial Day Kaddish Service 2024 Held at Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery Honors Fallen Jewish Heroes (Photos)

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 05/27/24

Baltimore, MD - May 27, 2024  -  The Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland and the Jewish War Veterans of Maryland Post 167 hosted a Memorial Day Kaddish Service at the Jewish Section in Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery, one of the only such ceremonies in the country. Veterans, elected officials and community members attended the meaningful service.

The service was led by Chaplain Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum, who read from Psalms, then the names of our Jewish fallen heroes were read followed by a Kel Molei and mourners Kaddish.

The service also paid tribute to former JWV MD commander and event organizer, the late COL Erwin Burtnick, who passed away this past November.

Comptroller of Maryland Brooke Lierman and Baltimore County Councilman Izzy Patoka, attended and offered words of encouragement and remembrance of our heroes.

May the memory of our Fallen Heroes be a blessing.