Candidates For Baltimore City Mayor Pick Up More Endorsements

By FOX45
Posted on 04/27/24 | News Source: FOX45

Mayoral candidate Sheila Dixon picked up more endorsements Saturday including former Mayor Jack Young, several former council members, senators, and city delegates.

“They are folks that know what we need in a mayor for Baltimore City and how to move this city forward,” Costello said. “Folks who have served in the trenches and served side by side with former Mayor Sheila Dixon.”

Former Mayor Jack Young says Dixon is the clear choice for city residents looking for someone to finally tackle quality of life crimes.

“We’re losing citizens in Baltimore every day and I believe this mayor will stop the flight of people leaving Baltimore, because she will deal with quality of life issues this mayor isn’t dealing with. Who are you really protecting the citizens or are you protecting the criminals,” he said.

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Ivan Bates also endorsing Dixon this month.

“Mayor Dixon is the one person that I know will be a true partner for myself and the office of the State’s Attorney,” he said.

Bates also took a shot at Scott’s approach to quality of life crimes in particular.

“More that I began to have conversations with the mayor about that it was clear that he wanted to enforce the policies of my predecessor,” he said.

Dixon says despite the historic reduction in homicides under Scott people still don’t feel safe.

“Crime is out of control. Quality of life crime needs to be addressed, because we’re going to lose more residents if we don’t deal with that,” she said.

Earlier this week Scott picked up endorsements from seven city council members

“We’re so grateful to have seven council members,” he said. “It shows they understand the work that we’ve been able to collectively do together.”

He also picked up an endorsement Thursday from Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown.