Posted on 04/17/24
On the 7th day of Pesach, we commemorate the Greatest Nes done in the presence of man. 600,000 people witnessed the Splitting of the Sea and all of the other associated miracles. Indeed, the Nes was of such a magnitude that Moshe Rabbeinu and all of the men busrt out into Shira – song to commemorate, admire and appreciate what Hashem had just done for them. Then, the Torah diverts to tell us that Miriam Haniviya took drums and all the women sang Shira with her. In telling us that Miriam also sang Shira, the Torah repeats one Pasuk and one Pasuk only, in alluding to her having sung the whole Shira. The Pasuk says “Sus Verochvo Rama Vayam” – That the horse and its rider were drowned in the sea.
Why was this Pasuk chosen and associated with Miriam and the women singing Shira? Moreover, why do we emphasize that the horse was drowned with its rider? Did the horse have any choice in his conduct? The Gemara (Sotah 11b ) explains that it was the women of Klal Yisroel in whose Zchus Yitzias Mitzrayim was possible. It was the women who maintained the Jewish names of their children, it was the women who enticed the men to continue having children while suffering under slavery, it was the women who maintained the purity of the home under the most oppressive conditions. In fact, Rashi says that was why Miriam had drums with her. So certain were the women that Hashem would continue to perform miracles for them as they left Mitzrayim, that they wanted to be prepared to celebrate.
With this we can begin to understand these Psukim. Bnei Yisroel cross the Yom Suf on dry land after it’s waters split and they sing Shira. Comes along the Torah and reminds us that it was the women who behind the scenes were the main Zchus for the miracle. Not only Sus but the Mesaye Lidvar Mitzvah is on a higher Madrega than the Rochvo. Hence this Pasuk which places the horse (The Mesaye) ahead of the riders is the perfect illustration of the primary role the women had in our leaving Mitzrayim. It seems only fitting that they still shoulder the lions share of all the care that goes into our prober observance and celebration of Pesach. Today, we still have the Nashim Tzidkuniyos of Klal Yisroel, without whom we would be lost.