Following Missile Barrage: IDF Destroys Hezbollah Military Site

By Arutz-7
Posted on 02/28/24 | News Source: Arutz-7

IDF fighter jets on Tuesday morning attacked a military site and Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in the areas of Hanniyeh, Jibchit, Baisariyeh, and Mansouri in Lebanon.

The strikes followed approximately 35 launches which were identified crossing from Lebanon into the area of Mount Meron in northern Israel. Hezbollah took responsibility for the launches, claiming them to be retaliation for an IDF strike on Monday evening.

There were no injuries or damage to the IDF Aerial Control Unit in the area.

Also on Tuesday morning, IDF artillery also struck in the area of Yaroun in order to remove a threat.

On Monday evening, the IDF confirmed that the commander of the eastern region of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, Hassan Hossein Salami, had been killed in an IAF airstrike.

Salami was part of Hezbollah’s Nasser Unit and commanded recent terrorist activities by Hezbollah against Israeli civilians and soldiers, including anti-tank missile launches toward Kiryat Shmona and the headquarters of the 769th Brigade.