Senate Bill Amended To Expand Juvenile Court’s Jurisdiction

Posted on 02/28/24 | News Source: WBAL

Baltimore, MD - Feb. 28, 2024  - Juvenile law reform measures in Maryland are trying to strike a balance between rehabilitation and consequences.

Senate Bill 744 on juvenile law reform is aimed at addressing gaps in the juvenile justice system, striking a balance between public safety and providing services. The Senate and House have been working very closely on what has become a legislative priority for both chambers. Senate President Bill Ferguson, D-District 46, predicted passage before the end of the session.

Both versions expand the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, broadening it to include youths between 10 and 12 years old. But while the House bill has a list of crimes that would put youths under the juvenile court’s jurisdiction, the Senate bill, as amended, strikes all of those crimes except for firearm [...] offenses.

The Senate president outlined the goals of the House and Senate as lawmakers addressed juvenile justice reform.

“We are focusing in on young people using firearms or being involved in carjackings, auto thefts,” Ferguson said.

Opponents of the bill, as written, want to see an emphasis on youth services rather than punishment.

“They want to put out something that at least appears more punitive as opposed to something that addresses those front-end challenges,” said Dayvon Love, the director of public policy with the thinktank, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle.